摘要: | 自古服裝與人類的關係,常隨著時代的變遷,政治、經濟、社會思想、價值觀及人們對美的追求和品味,不斷的求新求變,而呈現不同的風貌。十八世紀法王路易十五執政時期洛可可時尚藝術風潮,逐漸取代巴洛克藝術風格,流行於歐洲各地。相較於巴洛克時期服飾展現豪華、權威、誇張的情感表現,洛可可則以甜美、輕快、飄逸、優雅、高尚風格呈現。在設計構圖上採以不對稱的造型,運用C形的漩渦花紋及S形曲線,創造出美麗的流線形,色調的搭配則以粉色系為主,醞釀出甜蜜,浪漫的藝術表現,雖歷經兩百多年,不減其風華,仍為後人所驚艷。本研究除針對洛可可藝術風格在文化藝術價值上的成就,做探索外並透由研究過程了解當代優秀設計師們創作理念及對時尚流行趨勢的敏感度。嘗試擷取其流行元素做為創意發想的靈感來源,並選擇色調淡雅之布料,以平面打版及立體剪裁方式,製作出具現代感的典雅浪漫服飾。
From the old time till now, the relationship of clothing and humanity always changes and renews to different styles with the time transition, politics, economy, social thought, values and the pursue of beauty and taste. During the 18th century, the running time of King Louis XIV of France, the rococo style substituted gradually to the Baroque style, and became popular in Europe. Compared to the Baroque time clothing, which showed luxurious, authority, and exaggerating emotion performance, but the Rococo style was presented delightful, lively, elegant, graceful, and high-end. Make unequal style and design composition, like C shape eddy current pattern and S shape curve to create the beautiful Streamline shape. The main color was pink tone. It incubated the sweet and romantic performance. Although more than 200 years past, it did not reduce its grace and talent, it still made people Stunning. This research is made for the Rococo style to make the exploration in the culture artistic value achievement, and from the research process to understand the modern outstanding designer's creative ideas and to their fashion trend sensitivity. I tried to grab the fashion elements to be my creativity inspiration. Also, I chose the light tone material and cloth. I use plane patterning and three-dimensional cutting to make modern, elegant, and romantic clothing. |