本研究主要是製備具有發光效果的EL 線,以濺鍍銀纖維作為內部電極,並依序於銀纖維上塗佈介電樹脂(BT2100)、發光樹脂(GG24+ITK5517)、透明導電層(導電高分子)。由過去的實驗結果發現塗層厚度的控制將會影響整體的發光效果[1],因此本研究設計了兩種可行的塗佈方式進行研究,觀察此兩種方式對塗佈均勻度之影響,並選擇對厚度控制有較佳效果的塗佈方式,作為後續研究之線體製備方法,藉此觀察導電高分子和水性樹脂在不同比例混合下(4:1、9:1),對發光線體的發光亮度與塗佈均勻性進行分析。觀察的方式主要由織物影像分析系統觀察線體外觀之變化,作為線體外觀的定性分析,並藉由內建的線徑量測系統觀察單位長度內的線徑,藉以評估整體的塗層均勻性。最後,則是提供交流電源(75、150、300V)進行發光效果之測試。由實驗結果得知,透過塗料回收系統法有助於提供較佳的塗佈均勻性,並且在導電層添加比例為9:1 時,因表面電阻為3.72 kΩ,能儲存的電荷高(電場大),當通入交流電壓300V 時,有助於得到較高的亮度為23.6 lux。
In this study, the purpose is to prepare the EL (Electroluminescence) fiber which has the luminescence effect. The silver fiber was used to be an internal electrode, and coated with the dielectric resin (BT2100), phosphor resin (GG24+ITK5517), transparent conductive layer (conductive polymer) on the silver fiber. In the previous experiment results showed that the resin thickness will affect the luminescence effect[1]. Therefore, this study was designed two feasible coating method, and observed the coating uniformity by the fabric image analysis system. And select the better results of coating thickness control, and preparation methods as a follow-up study. Observe the conducting polymer and water-based resin mixed in different proportions (4:1,9:1). Brightness of the EL wire and coating uniformity to analyze. And we can use the qualitative analysis to evaluate the coating uniformity. Finally, it is used the AC power (75,150,300V) supply to test the luminescence effect. In the results, by the coating recovery system method helps to provide better coating uniformity. The conductive layer ratio 9:1, due to the surface resistance of 3.72 kΩ, can store electric charge high (Electric field large). When the pass into the AC voltage 300V, get of the best brightness 23.6 lux.