本實驗是利用反射原理定量分析複合材料表面反射燈管影像之粗糙度,並選擇使複合材料表面清晰度提升之光源種類與複合材料擺放角度。當在白色光源下,複合材料擺放角度呈45°時,具有最好之影像清晰度;而定量分析複合材料表面粗糙度,必須在光源、擺放距離與影像放大倍數的相同條件下,才可藉由兩平行線之距離來分析表面粗糙程度的差異,所得之反射原理量化表面粗糙度可藉由相對應的表面粗糙度測量儀之數據,做迴歸分析,得一相關迴歸方程式為y = 1.19x + 0.5148,x值為表面粗糙度測量儀之數據,y值為反射原理量化表面粗糙度之數值,相關係數為r = 0.996。
In this study, we analyze the surface roughness of the different composite materials with the qualitative analysis by selecting the suitable light sources and placing positions after judged with the reflection theory from the clarity of the reflected lighting images on the FRP composite materials of different angles. There's the best clear image while the FRP composite material is placed with angle of 45° under the white light source. The quantitative analysis of surface roughness of different composite materials can be done by analyzing the distance between the two paralleled lines in the reflected images under the same conditions of light source, placing distance, image magnification times. The correlated equation between the quantitative surface reflection and surface roughness instrument is: y = 1.19x + 0.5148, where the x is the value of surface roughness equipment, the y is the value of reflection theory method, and the correlation coefficient is: r=0.996.