本研究探討400nm~700nm 之可見光對於遠紅外線針織物放射率影響,對其遠紅外線放射率變化情況進行觀測。本實驗照射光源時間為20、40、60 分鐘,當光源照射中止時即開始測量數據,由實驗結果得知,光源照射時間越久樣布表面溫度越高則遠紅外線放射率相對會越高,經光源照射後,因樣本表面提升溫度不同,遠紅外線放射率提升程度也不同,但遠紅外線放射率約到達0.940~0.975 時就會開始趨於平緩,經15 分鐘後其放射率約回復到0.934,當遠紅外線聚酯布經過光源照射後遠紅外線放射率皆有所提升。
The research is to investigate The Influence of Far Infrared Polyester Knitted Fabric Emissivity by Visible Spectrum, observed changes in the rate of far infrared radiation. In the study, these times of light source are 20,40,60 minutes, and measure data after the light source, The result shows that light source times longer and the sample surface temperature will relative higher, after light source, because samples elevate different temperature surface temperatures, so far infrared emissivity will also improve different levels, but when far infrared emissivity compass 0.940~0.975 will flatten, and far infrared emissivity return to 0.934 after 15 minutes, the far infrared polyester knitted fabric of far infrared emissivity all there is improve after light source.