本研究主要探討西方1970 年代之反時裝文化,係為嬉皮文化與龐克文化下之產物,並探討其文化價值及服裝元素。將設計靈感與現代時裝元素融合。服裝用可表現出嬉皮士與龐克族性格的顏色、面料及版型,應用在現代強調女性身材線條及破壞結構的剪裁上,並以平面打版及立體剪裁方式,製作出符合設計靈感之款式。材料運用反差、衝突的組合方式,增加趣味新鮮感,並與傳統手法做區隔,顯現出服裝設計至今的多元化與70 年代反時裝文化結合的美感。
This study is focused on the Hesperian counterculture of fashionable dress in the 1970's, produced by the hippy culture and punk culture, and to explore their cultural values and the elements of clothing. Inspiration fusion of elements of modern clothing. Use of the color, fabric and tailor, will show hippies and punks clothes, and application to the modern clothing which is emphasis on the women stature and the destruction of the tailor, and use of the plane patterning and the pattern draping to making the clothing. Contrast association with conflict to increase the interest and novelty, and to distinguish the traditional way, and revealing the beauty of the diversification of fashion design and counterculture of fashionable dress in the 70's.