本研究計畫以關鍵字的分析技術探討媒體關鍵字的意義及其應用。研究從雷蒙威廉斯的文化關鍵字概 念出發,進一步的聯繫到語料庫語言學中的語料比對關鍵字,最終目的是探討媒體文本中的關鍵字如 何分析、及深化連結到實際的實證研究之中。研究者選擇了時序、共時及跨境等三種分析策略,來檢 視三個自建的語料庫主題中的關鍵字情況,三個自建語料庫包括了總體經濟新聞報導、氣候變遷報導 及中國夢報導。這些語料庫中的關鍵字分析除了凸顯的新聞媒體如何再現與建構上述主題外,同時也 可以發掘上述三個研究主題間的論述變遷及不同脈絡背景下的論述差異。 This project explores basic concepts, meaning and technical methods of keyword research and its application to media study. The research will commence from Raymond Williams’ cultural keyword, keyness keyword from corpus linguistic to media keyword. The aim of this research project is to connect these three types of keyword to investigate media text and media representation of social reality. To this purpose, the research will use three analytical strategies: diachronic, synchronic and cross boundary to mutually examine three self-complied corpus, including macro-economic, climate change and Chinese dream. Keyword analysis of the three media provides a new ways of examine media representation of social facts, as well as disclose the changing discourse across time and difference of textual genre.