在自然科學領域,能量是經常被提到的一個名詞或概念,在心理學界有幾個名詞和 它相類似,例如精神能量(mental energy),精神性能量(psychic energy)。然而,在運動 心理學界,甚少有學者針對心理能量(psychological energy)進行有系統性的概念化和測 量研究。 本研究的目的即在於建構『運動員心理能量』的概念,進而形成測量工具,最後, 透過實證研究檢驗『運動員心理能量』和生活壓力、倦怠和正面精神狀態的關係。整個 研究分兩年進行,如下: 第一年:以質化與量化的研究途徑完成下列研究工作:(1)探索運動員心理能量的 概念;(2)以描述性調查蒐集運動員對『運動員心理能量』的知覺與經驗。 第二年:根據第一年研究結果,分三個研究:(1)『運動員心理能量』量表之準備。 (2)檢驗『運動員心理能量』量表之因素結構。(3)進行同時效度和區別效度分析。 本研究期望透過上述研究能夠開啟『運動員心理能量』研究議題和發展具信、效度 的『運動員心理能量』測量工具,以作為未來後續研究的基礎。 In the natural science, energy is a commonly and frequently mentioned term/concept. In psychology, researchers also use several terms such as mental energy and psychic energy to study it. However, very few studies has systematically examined its definition, construct, and developed measurement in sport psychology. Hence the purpose of this study is to construct the concept of athletes psychological energy and develop a reliable and valid measure, and examine its relationship with athletes life stress, burnout, and positive state of mind. This study plans using two years to complete this project . The first year will adopt both qualitative and quantitative to explore college athletes perceptions and experiences about psychological energy. Also, the first year will use a large scale survey to collect college student-athletes perception/experiences of psychological energy. Based on the results from the first year the second year will conduct three studies including : (1) preparation of the draft of athletes psychological energy scale; (2) examine factorial structure of athletes psychological scale, and (3) examine concurrent and discriminant validity. Built on above studies, this study expects to initiate the study of athletes psychological energy and develop a valid and reliable measuring tool for future research.