摘要: | 隨著資訊科技的蓬勃發展與網際網路普及率的迅速提升,參與線上遊戲的使用者也逐漸增加。近年來各國線上遊戲廠商競相投入高度資源,促進了線上遊戲的多元化,亦提升線上遊戲的參與人數。有鑑於此發展,許多學者針對線上遊戲的使用行為進行研究,相關研究結果顯示,線上遊戲除了帶給玩家滿足感之外,亦衍生出線上遊戲成癮的相關問題,例如時間控管不當、身體健康異常、人際及親屬關係疏離的問題發生等等。並且眾多研究針對不同的生理與心理面向、不同的年齡層次以使用各種研究方法進行不同主題的探討,其研究結果也不盡相同。本研究主要探討不同性別使用者參與線上遊戲之網路成癮現象,研究者以兩岸近十年公開之研究資料為基礎,使用量化綜合分析(Meta-Synthesis)方法篩選出使用網路成癮量表之研究共計一十四篇,以進行線上遊戲成癮相關研究,探討不同性別參與者對線上遊戲網路成癮之耐受性、強迫性、戒斷反應、時間管理問題與人際與健康問題之影響。研究結果顯示不同性別參與者於各面向皆有顯著影響。本研究之研究結果期能提供此領域相關研究者與教育機構做為參考,以了解不同性別線上遊戲使用者對於線上遊戲成癮的耐受性、強迫性、戒斷反應、時間管理問題與人際與健康問題之差異。
With the rapid growth of information technology and internet popularity, users of online games also gradually increase. In recent years, worldwide online game companies keep on investing much resources in it and thus it diversity is highly developed, and the quantity of online game players also raise. In light of this development, plenty of scholars had conducted researches on using behaviors of online game; the related results showed that online games would give players satisfaction but they would derive problems related to online game addiction such as bad time management, health problem, and alienation of interpersonal relationship etc. Among them, many researches were conducted on different subjects in different physical and psychological dimensions and different age levels by various research methods, and these results were not completely consistent. In this study, the phenomenon of online game users’ internet addiction of different gender was investigated; the researcher utilized the research data published by Taiwan and China in this decade as the basis and used the quantitative meta-synthesis to sift 114 studies utilizing internet addiction instrument in order to investigate the influence of users’ gender on their tolerance, compulsion, withdrawal reaction, time management, interpersonal relationship, and health problem of online game addiction. The results showed that users’ gender had significant influences on each dimension. The researcher expected that the results can provide references for researchers and education institutions related to this field so that gender differences of online game users’ tolerance, compulsion, withdrawal reaction, time management, interpersonal relationship and health problem of online game addiction could be understood. |