摘要: | 都市計畫農業區位於都市邊緣,伴隨都市人口集聚,工商業快速發展,經濟型態傾向多元化,為因應此種變遷,農業區所扮演之功能亦呈現複雜且多樣化,其所設定「以農業生產」為定位基準,勢必因此而動搖。在土地使用管制制度之訂定及實施之框架下,要求農業區內之土地所有權人(或使用者)固守農業區土地使用只供農業生產為唯一用途,非僅造成資源分配之浪費,亦可能造成都市發展腳步緩慢,經濟活動怠滯,最終影響一國經濟發展。
關鍵詞 土地使用管制 都市計畫 農業區
Due to the fact that urban agricultural zones are located on the edge of cities, the economies of the said zones tend to be diversified along with the concentration of the urban population as well as the rapid development of industry and commerce. In order to respond to these changes, the role played by urban agricultural zones become complicated and diversified, and their original positioning of agricultural production are shaken as a result. Under the framework of the setting and implementation of the land-use control, if the landowners (or land users) of the agricultural zones are allowed only to use their land for agricultural production, this will not only cause waste of the resources allocation, but also cause possibly delay of urban development and economic stagnation, which eventually affect the whole economic development of a country. Undoubtedly the situation of non-agricultural utilization in urban agricultural zones is getting worse. And it is worth thinking that rigid land-use control regulations may not be the only effective method indeed. Rather, we should make flexible adjustments in accordance with different attributes of urban agricultural zones, so that each and every urban agricultural zone can utilized properly. By doing so, not only rapid urbanization can be balanced and supplemented, but also agricultural function be maintained. And the goal of reasonable utilization of agricultural zones can therefore be reached.
This research is a case study of the urban agricultural zone of Junan township and Toufen township in Miaoli County. It was conducted by investigating and analyzing the current land-use control, along with in-depth interviews with experts and scholars. After summing up the results of the investigation and interviews, we then discussed both the legal aspect and current status of the land-use control regulations. Through this research, we hope to excavate and analyze related problems and issues, and further propose related topics as well as their solutions in fields of control direction, control content, control system and control implementation. This paper is divided into 6 chapters and 19 subchapters as follows:
Chapter one explains the motive, goal, scope, content, method, procedure and framework of research. Chapter two is divided into 2 subchapters. It relates to the
foundation of this research including the collection of related documentations, theories, and references of statements by experts and scholars. Chapter three explains control methods, related laws and regulations currently enforced in urban agricultural zones in Taiwan, followed by comprehensive understanding of current land-use control in urban agricultural zones. It aims to further explore regulations concerning land-use control in urban agricultural zones, and analyzes fully the general situation and implementation. Chapter four describes the adoption of in-the field investigation of current status in urban agricultural zone of Junan township, in hope that related problems caused by land-use control in the said agricultural land can be targeted by means of empirical investigation and analysis. Chapter five, in pursuit of the research findings and questions of Chapter four, tries to induce the issues and solutions of land-use in urban agricultural zone through in-depth interviews as well as opinions and suggestions by experts and scholars. Chapter six presents conclusion and suggestions.
This research tries to establish theoretical framework centered on land-use control by means of retrospect on documentation and theory. Based on the said framework, empirical analysis on investigation of current status in urban agricultural zones is done, and the findings shows that the situation of illegal land-use in urban agricultural zones appear serious. The reason for the illegal land-use can be induced as follows: (1) lack of panoramaic and long tern concept in law-making process, (2) ambiguity of function of agricultural zone, (3) unclear division of power and responsibility among authorities in charge, (4) rigidity of control standard, (5) many items permitted for usage allowed without detailed planning, (6) ineffectiveness of official control and banning. It is hoped that the suggestions based on the above conclusion can be reference for the authorities in future law-making and policy implementation.
Key words: land-use control, Urban Planning, agricultural zone. |