摘要: | 20世紀由於鋼筋及混凝土建材的發明,應用在建築柱樑結構系統建構上,跳脫古典建築對稱及厚重之設計臼巢,賦于建築師在建築空間、造型設計及施工上極大自由度。在實質建設上,為解決全球經濟發展在20世紀出現的兩大經濟危機(1929年「全球經濟大恐慌」及1980年代「世界泡沫經濟時代」),鋼筋混凝土建築被大量的興建,成為20世紀主流建築形式。但從對環境友善性角度而言,鋼筋混凝土建築量體龐大,需要大量鋼筋及混凝土相關建材,其巨大物資及能源消耗,終將枯竭有限的地球資源。且在建材製作過程中,碳排放量會造成空氣汙染及地球暖化現象,對人類生存環境將造成實質的破壞。此外,以現代化建材建造之看似「強勢」之建築物,在面臨頻繁天災 (例:阪神淡路大地震等)及恐怖主義事件(例:911事件等)的襲擊時,不堪一擊,在短時間內即刻瓦解,也會造成對環境的衝擊。
鑒於如此,日本建築師隈研吾(KengoKuma 1954-)提出「弱」建築思想,主張21世紀在人類歷史進入資訊全球化時代,經濟規模也擴大到全球化尺度的同時,建築不再有地區性「強勢」之經濟規模優勢,應轉向「弱勢」之輕量化及縮小化方向調整,以配合資訊全球化經濟體系的建構。在此全球化經濟體系下,無論是建築與環境,還是時間與空間,所有一切事物得以緊密地聯繫在一起。在此理論基礎上,隈研吾提出其弱建築及環境融合之設計手法,在空間上應用建築基地空間與環境共生及建築空間隱藏弱化之設計原則,在造型上應用框架取景及地景延伸之設計原則,在建材上除採用接近大自然如石材、木材與竹等建材外,並配合採用利用透明、孔洞等方式能使建築輕量化的現代建材,使建築在空間、造型、及建材設計上,能輕易融入環境之中,達到與四周環境共生共榮的目的。
Owing to the invention of the steel and concrete materials in 20 century which were directly employed on the construction of the building column-beam structural system, the architects possess the freedom, which enable them eventually to free from the constrain of the classical symmetrical and bulky way of design cliché, both in aspects of the special-formal design and the building construction. In practice, the reinforced concrete building has been built in massive scale throughout the world in order to solve two major contemporary financial disasters, i.e. 1929 World Economic Crisis and 1980s World Bubble Economic Crisis, and has become the main-stream architectural style in 20 century.
Being examined from the environmental-friendly points of view, nevertheless, the reinforced concrete building with its huge body volume has consumedthe substantial amount of building material which will exhaust the limited earth resource eventually. Moreover, the carbon dioxide caused by the production of building material shall pollute and warm up the entire planet which will devastate the human living environment.In addition, the vigorous-like reinforced concrete buildings will be destroyed easily when they encounter the collision of the natural disasters (eg. Hanshin-Awaji-daishinsai Earthquake etc.) and the terrorist attacks (eg. 911 Terrorist Event etc.), the results of which will bring about the impact of the environment accordingly.
As results, the Japanese architect KengoKuma(1954-) proposes the notion of"low-profiled"architecture and argues that the building industry, by the time when the world economic system has entered the full-scopeITera in 21 century, no longer acquires the benefit from its regional economic advantage. Upon this concerns, the building construction should adjust its manifestation towards the light and lessenscale in order to fit in the operation of theIT world economic system.Under the system, everything including the architecture and its surrounding environment, or the time and the space, will be united together symbiotically.Based on the argumentof symbiosis, KengoKuma has issued his architectural design strategy: the symbiotic principlein spacial design, the landscape-framing principlein formal design, and the naturalized principlein building material design, in order to amalgamate symbiotically the architectural elements with the surrounding environmentinthe so-called"low-profiled" way. |