本研究旨在瞭解華語導遊人員情緒勞務(emotional labor)、工作壓力(job stress)與薪酬滿意度(pay-satisfaction)之間的關係。經由文獻之引用及邏輯之推理,採用量化研究的方法,透過問卷調查法填答的方式,進行實證研究調查。
This study aims mainly at the relationships among emotional labor, job stress, and pay-satisfaction as a moderator for Chinese tour guide in Taiwan. It adopted quantitative analyses. The quantitative analysis was based on questionnaires to understand the relationship among them.
This study adopted sampling method questionnaires. Questionnaires were distrib-uted through travel agencies that were willing to cooperate. 426 questionnaires were distributed to Chinese tour guides and 416 questionnaires were collected. The recovery rate was 97.65%. After deleting invalid questionnaires, there were 401 valid question-naires. The response rate was 96.39%.
According to the findings, emotional labor performances and job stress were sig-nificant positive correlation for Chinese tour guide in Taiwan. Pay-satisfaction and Job stress were not significant correlation for Chinese tour guide in Taiwan. Pay-satisfaction weakened emotional labor and had positive impact on the job stress for Chinese tour guide in Taiwan.
In conclusion, this study offers relevant industry practitioners the implications of practical aspects of human resource management.