摘要: | 在全球化的快速發展下,地方面臨各種全球化帶來的競爭與壓力,便以國家為單位之治理階層以回應全球化趨勢,相繼提出凱因斯主義、新自由主義等發展理論下討論市場機制,並強調都市應該以「企業化城市」的治理理念,以公私合作理念進行協同合作並營造都市認同。另外,過去傳統制度下之治理方式與機制逐漸出現網絡僵化與限制性,因此如何因應全球化成為未來都市發展之重要課題。
就北北基桃區域發展、治理,成為本研究域探討之課題,本研究藉由析探與訪問相關機關、私人企業、地方居民研擬其相互網絡,進行問卷發放與訪問,收回問卷後再經由數據整理與軟體分析後,探討北北基跨域整合網絡問題提出建議;本研究以「基隆火車站暨西二西三碼頭都市更新案」 與 「捷運南港基隆線」為研究範圍,地方政府基隆市政府對於都市再生政策執行面的反應力,與網絡關係人的運作過程,尤其欲了解在「在地」與「跨域」下,行動者間資訊是如何傳遞以進行協同治理。另外,藉由「基隆火車站暨西二三碼頭都市更新案」與「捷運南港基隆線」,一個地方性的都市更新案與跨域的大眾運輸路網建設案,探討其中的網絡關係人如何運作並對於整體計畫之影響為何。
就北北基桃區域發展、治理,成為本研究域探討之課題,本研究藉由析探與訪問相關機關、私人企業、地方居民研擬其相互網絡,進行問卷發放與訪問,收回問卷後再經由數據整理與軟體分析後,探討北北基跨域整合網絡問題提出建議;本研究以「基隆火車站暨西二西三碼頭都市更新案」 與 「捷運南港基隆線」為研究範圍,地方政府基隆市政府對於都市再生政策執行面的反應力,與網絡關係人的運作過程,尤其欲了解在「在地」與「跨域」下,行動者間資訊是如何傳遞以進行協同治理。另外,藉由「基隆火車站暨西二三碼頭都市更新案」與「捷運南港基隆線」,一個地方性的都市更新案與跨域的大眾運輸路網建設案,探討其中的網絡關係人如何運作並對於整體計畫之影響為何。
With the stress of competition under the impact of accelerating globalization worldwide, local urban governments have responded to the trends of globalization through national-level governance. Theories discussing market mechanisms, such as Keynesian economics and neoliberalism, specifically emphasize on the governance concept of “urban entrepreneurialism” to construct an urban identity through public–private partnerships. Additionally, considering the gradual institutional stiffening and limitations resulting from traditional governance methods and systems, developing effective strategies according to the challenges posed by globalization has been a major topic for future urban development.
The present study adopted the Greater Taipei Area as the research object to investigate its network interactions and policy implementations. Specifically, Keelung City was adopted as the primary research location because of its geographical advantage as the only port city in the Greater Taipei Area and its importance to the logistics of the region. Under the challenge of trade globalization, competition among other harbor cities in surrounding nations, and the deterioration of the Port of Keelung and the city landscape, the Keelung City Government has invested considerable effort in developing adaptive solutions for urban renovation and revitalization through the formation of public–private partnerships. Since 2000, policies related to urban renewal have been initiated to stimulate the regional economy and enhance urban competitiveness through dynamic real estate development. However, despite 16 years of policy implementation, the progress has been obstructed because of the overall national institution development and rising democratic consciousness among citizens. In addition, strategic planning for transregional governance seeks to address traffic and transportation issues, allowing citizens to travel conveniently between regions of the Greater Taipei Area. The reduced traffic time can also facilitate the transformation of the Port of Keelung to a representative hub of cruise tourism in Northern Taiwan, turning Keelung into a nation gateway.
The regional development and governance of four municipalities around the Greater Taipei Area were analyzed in this study. Questionnaires were administered and interviews conducted by visiting related institutions, private corporations, and local residents to examine their interaction networks. Through examining the cases of the urban renewal project involving Keelung Train Station and the West 2 and 3 Wharfs and the construction project of Nangang–Keelung metro, this study evaluated the effectiveness of the urban renewal policies of Keelung City Government and the process facilitating interaction among stakeholders. Accordingly, this study sought to identify how information has been utilized to facilitate collaborative governance under a local framework and a transregional framework, and how the network stakeholders function and influence the overall projects. |