摘要: | 從新材料的發明到新技術的應用,科技文明的進步一直是驅動建築設計演進的重要推力,尤其自二十世紀中葉以來,電腦輔助設計的快速發展更顛覆了傳統以經驗決定設計的模式,讓建築師在進行設計決策時有許多更即時更有效的參考依據,也為當代建築帶來更多新的可能性。然而,也因為電腦輔助設計的快速發展,尤其是在從2D繪圖快速轉向3D建模與渲染的過程中,層出不窮的新功能與視覺效果、新軟體的不斷開發,以及工程實務上的需求轉變,都為原本便極為複雜的建築設計過程增添許多變數。
From the invention of new materials to the application of new technologies, the progress of scientific and technological civilization has been an important driving force for the evolution of architectural design, especially since the middle of the 20th century, the rapid development of computer-aided design more subversion of the traditional, Experience-based design model. The architects have many more immediate and effective references in their design decisions, as well as new possibilities for contemporary architecture. However, because of the rapid development of computer-aided design, especially in the rapid transition from 2D graphics to 3D modeling and rendering, the endless new features and visual effects, the continuous development of new software, and engineering practice, All add a host of variables to the otherwise complex architectural design process.
This paper will be divided into two parts to reflect on the above trends: First, the origin and evolution of computer-aided design: Review of computer-aided design in the field of architectural design development, and for "3D modeling" and "3D rendering" Two types of architectural design 3D software in recent years, the evolution trend of the classification of comparative analysis. Second, the architectural design 3D software needs analysis: Through interviews and surveys of two research methods to understand Taiwan's current architectural practice in 3D "modeling", "rendering" and "animation" three types of needs and views. Finally, based on the above two parts, the research results of this paper hope to serve as a reference for current architectural education and practical application, so that the architect can understand the development status of computer aided design and select the appropriate design software to effectively Auxiliary practice. |