Growing up with C-pop music, I found some problems with commercial songs, such as songs hit just because they sound good, and songs are only for amusement. In my opinion, other than that everyone could sing the songs easily, there should be profound topics in the lyrics, not just love stories. The music should be composed skillfully and with the style of the composer, not by applying the regular chord formulas. The arrangement should be tailor-made for the songs, supporting the core value of the songs, not made by popular technique blindly. On the strength of my interest and the mind to contribute to C-pop music, I started writing songs and singing them in performances.
This thesis is the discussion about the songs in my concert, which is titled “Civilization.” First it comes to the concept of each song, and later the analysis of the lyrics, music, and vocal performance. Owing to the fact that it has been usual to compose music with digital audio workstations (DAWs), I recorded the software instruments and settings used in each song as well.