本研究旨在瞭解3-5歲幼兒氣質與飲食行為之關係,研究者參考相關文獻,以改編之「幼兒個人及家庭基本調查表」、「幼兒氣質量表」及「幼兒飲食行為量表」為研究工具。究對象方面,本以台北市十二個行政區之公私立幼兒園幼兒為取樣對象,透過立意抽樣方式發放問卷。每一行政區發出60份問卷,合計720份。整理後共得有效問卷686份,有效回收率為95.28%。本研究以SPSS 22.0進行分析。
This study was to investigate the association between temperament and eating behaviors among 3-5 year olds. ln this study, the research reviewed and revised the「Questionnares of children and their family Basic information」,「Scales of Temperament for young children」and「Questionnares of Eating Habits of young children」as research tools. This studyn used purposive sampling to select public and private preschools at 12 administrative districts in Taipei. The researcher gave eachschool district 60 questionnires and received 700 returned questionnires. There were 686 effective questionnires and the effective rate was 95.28%. SPSS22.0 was used to analyze the data.
Findings showed that when children from different family backgrounds, there were significant differences between children’s temperament and eating habits. lt was also predictable between children’s temperament and eating habits. This study suggested that parent’s should pay attention to the eating preferences and temperament of young children in order to establish good eating habits.