開放資料(Open Data)現今已是世界議題,台灣以及國際上先進民主國家紛紛開啟政府開放資料(Open Government Data)計畫,目前台灣之政府資料開放平臺data.gov.tw網站已提供各機關連結。但其單一機關所提供之資料僅於該機關專業資訊,如要提供更詳細資訊,必須跨機關資料互補來滿足使用者需求,但是多數開放資料皆無法被其它相關資料指向鏈結。本研究在透過開放資料在整合、創新下才能實現其運用價值之精神提出開放資料於跨機關政府垂直整合系統模型,並在行動載具實現,藉此以增加政府開放資料資訊之深度。
"Open Data" is now the topic of the world. Most advanced democratic countries have started their plans to "Government Open Data" plan. However, most of the existing open-data system are agency-oriented (no cross-agency integration), and those data are usually rated no more than 3-star. This poses a challenge to the development and appli-cation. Therefore, it becomes a key issue to establish an effective framework to obtain cross-agency complementary data to reach information integrity.
In order to assist the relevant application industry to resolve this challenge, this study try to establish a framework implementing open data from the Ministry of Eco-nomic Affairs and Ministry of Health and Welfare, and conduct an empirical study on feasibility of vertical integration cross-agency data in mobile devices with three-star open data.