本研究應用資料包絡分析法(Data Envelopment Analysis, DEA),對於「CoCo都可」茶飲連鎖企業進行績效評估,以2015年位於中國上海市的20家訓練店為例,採用年度與季度的角度分析各店家的效率值,並探討店家的整體概況和季節趨勢。本研究選定兩項投入項(配置人數和工作時數)、四項產出項(現場營業額、外送營業額、消費人數和消費金額),作為績效評估的指標,並以產出導向之CCR與BCC兩種模型求得技術效率(生產效率)、純技術效率(經營效率)和規模效率,瞭解各店家效率表現情形;經由年度與季度的店家效率值比較,研究對象有明顯的季節性變化,因此在管理角度上,以季度的時間尺度來探討較為合適;接續以敏感度分析探討各項投入、產出項對店家效率值的影響程度,發現外送營業額的影響程度較大;最後本研究將針對生產無效率的店家進行探討,觀測經營效率和規模效率的數值將無效率店家劃分為四種類型,瞭解造成店家無效率的主要原因,並以差額變數分析,以短期改善作為目標,探討無效率店家尚有多少改善空間,並提供改善方向及建議。
In this study, Data Envelopment Analysis was used to Performance Evaluate of “CoCo Fresh Tea & Juice” Beverage Chain enterprises, research in 2015 Shanghai China 20 training stores for example, using the annual and quarterly scale analysis the efficiency value of the stores, this study assess the Relative Efficiency of the stores by two inputs (Number of Employee and Number of Worked Hours) and four outputs (Store-Site Revenue, delivery Revenue, Number of Consumers and Per Capita Consumption), calculate the Technical efficiency, Pure Technical Efficiency and Cale Efficiency by used Output-Oriented CCR and BCC models. Comparing the annual and quarterly efficiency values, the subjects had significant seasonal changes, that meen quarterly time scale is more appropriate to Performance Evaluation of Beverage Chain Store in management perspective. Continued used Sensitivity Analysis to discuss the input and output items which is more influence with the store efficiency value, the results show that delivery Revenue is more influence with efficiency value. At last, this study will target on no efficiency stores in Technical Efficiency, the stores will divided into four different types by Pure Technical Efficiency and Cale Efficiency of value, understand the main cause of no efficiency stores in Technical Efficiency, and used slack variable Analysis to show how much improvement rate can provide direction and recommendations from relatively no efficiency stores.