摘要: | 全球人口不斷攀升,為了解決糧食供應的需求,全球農業發展趨向工業化及密集化的慣行農法。然而在各國的環境意識覺醒之後,陸續出現許多取代化學資材的施作方法,稱之為替代農法。台灣也受此趨勢的影響,約1987年引進有機農法的觀念。近二十年來,替代農法雖然受到越來越多的關注,但至今只佔全臺灣農地面積的0.81%,推廣成效有限。本研究即以了解農夫本身的立場與考量為目標,先遣研究以紮根理論補充文獻之不足,再藉由與宜蘭縣三十一位慣行農法施作的農夫與三十二位替代農法施作的農夫進行問卷訪談,了解採用不同施作方式的農夫選擇持續或想放棄現況施作方式的影響因素差異。
Global trends of rising population has driven agricultural development to become more industrialized and intensive. Since the rise of environmental awareness,alternative farming methods have been developed try different ways of farming without chemicals. Although organic and other alternative farming methods were brought into Taiwan around 1987, alternative farming is still a minority used on only 0.81% of farm lands two decades later. The purpose of this study is to study the farmer’s opinions concerning alternative farming. A preliminary study was first implemented using Grounded Theory to find issues not covered in the literature.This was followed by a more complete study of 31 conventional farmers and 32 alternative farmers from Yilan. Through questionnaires, we surveyed the factors affecting the farmers’ willingness to keep on the current farming methods,and analyzed the difference between conventional farmers and alternative farmers.
The results from statistical analyses suggest that the main categories of factors which promote alternative farmers to keep on the current farming methods is “emotion relationship”, and “product sales” is secondary. In contrast, the main categories of factors which promote conventional farmers to keep on the current farming methods is “economy and cost”, and “product sales” is secondary. On the other hand, the main categories of factors which reduce alternative farmers to keep on the current farming methods is “economy and cost”, and “product sales” is secondary.In contrast, the main categories of factors which reduce conventional farmers to keep on the current farming methods is “emotion relationship”. Qualitative research using content analysis was used to complete statistical analyses. It shows that alternative farmers emphasize the benefit from“production process”,including the influences on environment、health and social communication by alternative farming.In contrast, conventional farmers emphasize the benefit from“production result”,including the influences on productivity、product appearance and sales by conventional farming.Also, alternative farmers improve their environmental awareness by “attending agriculture class”, “education”,and “communication media” ,and promote their willing to keep on the current farming methods.
The methods of production also affect the life style of rural people and environment. We hope that the results of this study will help promote alternative farming and community development by understanding the factors which affect the farmer’s willingness to keep on alternative farming and their need , not only meeting human needs , but also benefiting the environment and society. |