本研究以旋轉電極探討在298K、0.5M硫酸溶液中的鉑黑/Nafion薄膜電極之氫氣氧化反應動力學。Nafion膜的厚度(≦8 μm)對表面積量測幾無影響。描述薄膜旋轉電極上的氫氣氧化反應方程式可以推導,並求出反應動力學參數。由於氫氣氧化反應非常迅速,所測得電流密度乃取決於電解液和Nafion膜中的質傳阻力。本研究之結果有助於使用Pt-black觸媒的燃料電池的電極之設計。
The kinetics of H2 oxidation reaction on Pt-black/Nafion thin-film electrodes in 0.5 M H2SO4 at 298 K was investigated using the rotating disk electrode (RDE) technique. The Nafion coating (≦8.0 μm) had a negligible effect on the electrochemical active surface area measured. The equation describing the H2 oxidation kinetics on the thin-film RDEs was derived and the kinetic parameters were determined. The H2 oxidation was very facile and the current density was determined by the mass transfer of H2 in the aqueous electrolyte and the Nafion film. The results of this study are useful for designing the electrodes for fuel cells using Pt-black catalyst.