以碳酸鈣作為填料,能提高紙張的白度及平滑度,然而附著於纖維表面之碳酸鈣,則會阻礙纖維的鍵結,因此非常需要發展紙漿纖維內腔充填技術,以克服上述的問題。本研究以製漿常用之桉樹材(Eucalyptus sp.)和紅樹材(Rhizophora sp.)為原料的混合漂白乾漿板與濕漿板兩種,以化學沉澱法製作碳酸鈣之紙漿纖維內腔填充,並運用掃描式電子顯微鏡(SEM)觀察填充結果。在CaCl2-Na2CO3系填充中,濕漿板之填充效果比乾漿板佳。在移除過量CaCl2溶液處理後,反應溫度40℃,有較佳之填充效果。以SEM觀察填充結果,發現碳酸鈣確實可填充於纖維內腔及壁孔中。以碳酸鈣填充之漿料經抄紙後,紙張之光學性質隨著填充量增加而提升,但紙張強度卻有所降低。本研究並利用PAMAM amidoamine樹枝狀界面活性劑(dendrimer)進行添加,以降低碳酸鈣結晶之大小,提高填充效果。在CaCl2-(NH4)2CO3系及CaCl2-Na2CO3系中,填充量皆會隨著PAMAM dendrimer添加量的增加而提高,最大填充量分別為2.90%及4.43%。且以SEM觀察CaCO3填充形狀及晶型,結果推論“PAMAM之添加”可能會同時具有球狀CaCO3晶型之球霰石(Vaterite)及菱面體CaCO3晶型之方解石(Calcite)的形成。
Loading of pulp fiber lumen can improve brightness and smoothness without reducing strength of final paper products. This work used wood fibers from a commercial blend of Eucalyptus and Rhizophora sp. bleached kraft pulp as air-dried pulpsheet and wet pulpsheet. Loading of wood fibers was carried out with chemical precipitation of calcium carbonate. The optimum operating condition and the physical properties of handsheets derived from loaded fibers were discussed; in addition, Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) was utilized to observe the loading effects of calcium carbonate. In the loading by CaCl2-Na2CO3 system, wet pulpsheet had better loading effect than that of air-dried ones. After the excess of CaCl2 solution was drained, the reaction temperature of 40℃resulted to the better loading. The filler loading levels into wet pulpsheet were higher than ones into air-dried pulpsheet. The SEM photographs showed that calcium carbonate precipitated in the lumen and pits. For handsheets of loaded fibers, the strength decreased with increasing filler loading level, but the optical properties (brightness and opacity) were improved. Since PAMAM amidoamine dendrimer can precipitate calcium carbonate into smaller diameter crystals, it was applied in pulp fiber loading as well. In the loading using CaCl2-(NH4)2CO3 and CaCl2-Na2CO3 systems (with PAMAM dendrimer addition), the filler loading level increased with increasing addition of PAMAM dendrimer, up to 2.9% and 4.43% respectively. The SEM photographs suggested that calcium carbonate precipitation could form spherical vaterite and rhombohedral calcite by PAMAM dendrimer addition.