High entropy alloy (HEA) is a newly multi-component alloy, which is composed by several popular composition elements such as copper, nickel, aluminum, cobalt, chromium, iron, silicon, and titanium etc. The matrix phase of HEA is almost a fully disorder non-crystalline phase proven by the X-ray diffraction analysis. This kind of glassy alloy has a high degree of atomic disorders that its mechanical properties is comparable to that of glass and is therefore of high strength but brittle. And its corrosion behavior is relatively new to us. In order to further realize the electrochemical behaviors of HEA, it is necessary to compare it with other ferrous alloys such as type 304 stainless steels and mild steels. The anodic polarization curves of HEA in aqueous environments at room temperature were studied using electrochemical polarization techniques. The major factors affecting the anodic polarization curves of HEA are the type of electrolyte, e.g. NaCl and H2SO4, solution pHs and the bath temperature. The results clearly indicated that the corrosion resistance to general corrosion for HEA at ambient temperature(~25℃)is superior to that of the 304 SS and the mild steel whether the concentration of electrolyte is concentrated (1M) or low (0.1M), because of the nobler corrosion potential and the lower corrosion current density. On the other hand, the resistance to pitting corrosion of HEA in high Cl-environment is inferior to 304 SS in view of the lower pitting potential and the narrower extend of passive region. In the concentrated sulfuric acid containing different concentration of chloride ions, there is a critical phenomenon that HEA has less resistance to general corrosion in the chloride ion concentration near seawater. By cyclic polarization, it is confirmed that both HEA and 304SS are resistant to pitting in 1N H2SO4 due to no hysteresis were observed.