摘要: | 本研究旨在探討臺灣地區成年人的幸福感情形,以及影響幸福感之相關因 素,以提升成年人之心理福祉。本研究採問卷調查法,以居住於臺灣北、中、南、 東部 20 至 64 歲之成年人為研究對象,依區域分層及人口比例配額以亲利取樣方 式取得有效樣本 1,071 份。研究工具包括:個人背景資料調查表、幸福感量表、 KMS 婚姻滿意度量表。研究結果發現,全體成年人之幸福感尚可,己婚成年人 傾向於滿意自己的婚姻生活。差異分析結果發現,年齡在 45 至 49 歲、婚姻狀況 為已婚、有宗教亯仰、教育程度為專科或大學以上,以及每月收入達 48,001 元 以上者,幸福感較高;知己好友數越多,越感到幸福。然而性別與有無飼養寵物 在幸福感上則無顯著差異。年齡、「婚姻狀況:離婚及喪偶」、有宗教亯仰、每 月收入在 89,001 元以上,及知己好友數對全體成年人幸福感之解釋力為 9%。已 婚者方面,已婚男性、結婚年數、婚姻滿意度、有宗教亯仰、每月收入介於 48,001 元至 89,000 元之間、每月收入在 89,001 元以上,以及知己好友數對已婚者之幸 福感達 19%之解釋力。單身者方面,單身男性、有宗教亯仰及知己好友數對單 身者幸福感之解釋力為 8%。建議無論是已婚或單身都應重視知己好友,並分別 針對全體成年人、已婚與單身者,以及家庭與婚姻輔導機構提出建議。
The purpose of this study was to understand adults’ well-being, and to investigate associated factors with adult well-being in Taiwan. By survey, the target population was adults between 20 to 64 years old in Taiwan. A total of 1,071 samples were obtained by stratified and quota sampling, and convenience sampling. Instruments included ―Personnel Background Questionnaire‖, ―Well-Being Scale‖, and ―KMS Marital Satisfaction Scale‖. Results showed that adult people tended to feel well-being with their life. Married people tended to be satisfied with their marital life. Among the entire adult people, people that ―were between 45 to 49 years old‖, ―Married‖, ―having religious belief‖, ―college educational level‖, and ―monthly income over NTD48001‖ had comparatively higher well-being. Moreover, adult people feel well-being when they have more close friends. However, gender and pet breeding did not show significant difference on adult well-being. For the overall adults, five factors predicted 9% of variance in well-being including age, divorced and widow/widower, having religious belief, monthly income over NTD89001, and number of close friends. For married adults, seven factors predicted 19% of variance in well-being including male, years of marriage, marital satisfaction, having religious belief, monthly income between NTD48001 and 89000, monthly income over NTD89001, and number of close friends. For single adults, three factors predicted 8% of variance in well-being including male, having religious belief, and number of close friends. Based on findings, no matter married or not, people should emphasize the importance of close friends. Moreover, recommendations are also provided for the overall adults, married adults, single adults, and family and marriage counseling institutes. |