本研究旨在瞭解國中生含糖飲料之消費現況,並探討不同背景國中生飲用含糖飲料之差異,以及影響國中生含糖飲料消費之因素。本研究以桃園地區九十七學年度國中學生為母群體,經立意取樣選出五所學校,有效樣本為505人。 研究結果發現,研究對象年級越高,含糖飲料知識越豐富飲用越多,而年級越低飲用越少,零用錢越少者及家長社經地位越高者,拒絕飲用含糖飲料自我效能就越高。在外在影響方面,以來自親人曾購買含糖飲料請研究對象飲用較多。影響飲用含糖飲料行為的變項中,「自我效能」、「營養知識」、「自覺體型」、「同儕影響」、「家長影響」、「學校老師影響」、「電視廣告」可解釋飲用含糖飲料行為20%的變異量。其中以「同儕影響力」對學生飲用含糖飲料行為之預測力最大。 本研究建議(1)加強教導學生如何正確選擇飲料,並利用營養午餐的規劃宣導,或營養教育介入與設計教學活動的方式,強化學生之正向態度,使學生能有正確飲用含糖飲料的觀念。(2)家庭教育在飲用行為上亦扮演重要角色,家長可爲學生準備水壺、早餐飲品,並協助學生培養正確的含糖飲料飲用觀念與零用錢的正確使用觀念。
The purpose of this study was to investigate the situation on the sugar-sweetened drinks and the factors affecting the consumption behavior of adolescents. The target populations of 505 adolescents were studied by purposive sampling from junior high school students in Taoyan area. The questionnaire scale included demographic characteristics, consumption behavior, intrinsic and extrinsic factors table. Data was analyzed by descriptive statistics; t-test, one-way ANOVA, Scheffe’ method, correlation and multiple regression. The results were as follows: (1) The students of higher grade were significant better knowledge, and also better self-ability to refuse the sweetened drinks. (2) The higher social position of their parent and less money of pocket were better self- ability to refuse the sweetened beverage. (3) There was highest (r=0.405) and lowest (-0.076) significant correlation between classmate and TV-advertisement, and self-feeling body shape and TV-advertisement respectively. (4) Eight factors were accounted 20% prediction of variance for sweetened drink. Enhancing the health education in general, in nutrition especially or for family as well is necessary.