本研究旨在探討婚紗攝影消費者的個人背景變項在購買決策之差異,以及情境因素對婚紗攝影消費者購買決策之解釋力。本研究以EBM(Engel, Blackwell & Miniard)決策模式為研究架構,採用問卷調查法,以北部地區婚紗攝影消費者為對象進行調查,共回收有效問卷671份。其分析結果顯示,消費者的拍攝動機已可留下永恆紀念為主,資訊來源以親戚朋友為主,對結婚照品質、服務品質、產品價格、促銷推廣等項目都抱持重視的態度,購買滿意度介於普通和滿意之間,至於情境因素,消費者都很重視,特別是「社會環境」。消費者之性別、年齡與職業在購買滿意度上有顯著差異。消費者的情境因素和購買決策具有正向相關。情境因素對北部地區婚紗攝影消費者的購買滿意度具有11%之解釋力,其中尤以實體環境指可見的實體,如店面的設計、擺設等用以預測滿意度最為顯著。
The purpose of this study was to understand the difference of store-situation factors and consumers' purchasing decision on the selected married and experienced personal characteristics. The purchasing satisfaction was also investigated. Based on the decision model of Engel, Blackwell &MIniard as my research frame, through purposive and snowball sampling 671 usable questionnaries were collected from Taipei area. Instruments included store-situation scale, purchasing decision scale and personal background questionnaries. Data was analyzed by descriptive statistics ,t-test ,one-way ANOVA, Scheffe' method, pearson correction and multiple regression. The result was as follow: (1) The main motivation of consumer was memory forever for taking bridal photograph. The information was coming from relatives and friends. (2) Consumers were really concerning the quality of photo and service, and promotion method, products' price. (3) Purchasing satisfaction level was scored in between normal and satisfied. (4)Consumers were very care about the store-situation especially ”social situation”. There were high positive correction between environment or social situation with purchasing decision. (5) there were significant difference of photo satisfaction for sex ,age and occupation groups. (6) Seven factors accounted 13% of variance for purchasing decision including sex, age, education, occupation, monthly incoming, environment and social situation in which the environment situation was the most important one.