摘要: | 本研究旨在調查成人攝取高熱量與空熱量食物之頻率,分析個人屬性對此類食物購買考量、購買與攝取狀況之影響。以大臺北地區20歲至64歲542位成人為研究對象進行網路問卷調查。以描述性統計、獨立樣本t檢定、單因子變異數、卡方分析等進行統計分析。空熱量食物指含高固體脂肪、高糖分、僅提供高熱量但低營養成分之食物。本研究針對飲料、甜點、零食類與速食/常見餐點等四類高熱量與空熱量食物加以探討。研究發現,此四類食物以飲料類攝取頻率最高,每星期超過1~3次。四類食物帄均攝取頻率以新北市居民、20~29年齡層、學生、單身者、低運動頻率、未參與過食品營養相關課程講座者顯著最高。購買此類食物最主要考量為好吃;男性較女性考量價格便宜與時尚;單身者、學生最同意價格需便宜;體型過輕者在嚐鮮、方便考量均顯著高於正常者,但在時尚考量則低於其他體型;高運動頻率者在好吃、方便考量都低於中、低運動頻率者。近九成成人一星期帄均花費499元以下購買此類食物;購買地點以路邊攤、便利商店為主;與同學或朋友一起時攝取的約占半數,與家人共享者占近三成;攝取情境以純粹想食用占半數,另有兩成五是因為飢餓;攝取時段則有半數是在點心/午茶時間。建議對年輕族群加強營養教育。
This study aimed to investigate adult intake frequency of high-calorie and empty-caloriefoods and to analyze the impact of personal attributes ontheir purchase considerations, purchase behaviors and intake conditions of such foods. Totally, 542 valid on-line questionnaires were collected from adults in Taipei area, ranging from 20 to 64 years old. Data were analyzed by using descriptive statistics, independent-samples t-test, one-way ANOVA, and chi-squareanalysis. Empty-calorie foods refer to those foods with high solid fat, and high sugar, providing only high calories with low nutrients.This study examinedhigh-calorie and empty-calorie foods on 4 types of foods, including: drinks, desserts, snacks and fast food/common meals. The highest frequency of intake among the four was drinks, with more than 1~3 times per week. The participants who have the highest average intake frequency of the four types of foodswere residents in New Taipei City, aged 20 to 29, students, singles, with low frequency of exercise, and never involved in food- and nutrition-related courses. The main consideration for purchasing such foodswas deliciousness; men showed more consideration for low price and fashion than women did; singles and students agreed the most that prices of such foods should be low. The underweighted adults showed significantly higher consideration on novelty and conveniencethan those of normal body types, but less consideration on fashion than those of other body types. Adults with high exercise frequencies had less consideration ondeliciousness and convenience, compared to those with medium or low frequencies. Nearly 90% of participants spent an average of NT$499 on purchase of such foodsper week. The major locations of purchase were street vendors and convenience stores. About half of them shared such foods with their classmates or friends, while nearly 30% shared with families. Nearly half of themconsumed these foods were due to purely want to eat up, and 25% were due to hunger. The most common time for consuming such foodswas refreshment time/teatime. Strengthening nutrition education for the young was suggested. |