本研究旨在探討添加鼠麵草和油對鼠麴粿品質的影響。以臺中糯70號及臺中189號為材料,將添加鼠麴草及油之鼠麵粿,分別置於5℃及在-18℃貯存,第0、7、14、21、28 及 35 天時,分別取出樣品,進行理化性質測定。結果顯示,添加鼠麴草會促進粿之老化;不同的貯存溫度對粿之品質影響很大,鼠麴粿在-18℃經 35 天貯存並無明顯品質變化,而在5℃貯存,則發現添加鼠麴草會使可溶性總醣含量降低、老化速率加快。在色澤方面,添加鼠麴草會使其 L 值下降、a及b值上升;添加油會抑制鼠麴粿之老化,並增進色澤及風味。產品以蒸氣或微波復熱封色澤之差異性不大。至於米種間的差異,臺中糯70 號樣品的可溶性總醣下降量及硬度皆較臺中189號數值低,嗜好性品評試驗所得之評價臺中糯 70 號樣品亦較高。
This study mainly focused on the factors affecting the quality of shu-chu (Gnaphalium a#tne D. Don) cake. Rice varieties TCW 70 and TC 189 were used as the raw materials. The shu-chu cake prepared with or without soybean oil was stored at 5℃ and -18℃. The physicochemical properties of the samples were determined at days 0, 7, 14, 21, 28, and 35 after storage. The results indicated that no significant changes in :.he quality of su-chu cake were observed for up to 35 days when it was stored at -18℃. The soluble car- bohydrate content decreased as the storage time was prolonged at 5℃. When the cake was supplemented with shu-chu, its brightness (L value) decreased, and the degree of reddish (a value) and yellowish (b value) colors increased. The addition of soy bean oil retarded the aging of the cake and enhanced color and flavor. There was no difference between the colors of the cakes obtained from the two different reheating methods. The cake prepared with TCW70 had lower soluble carbohydrate content and degree of firimness and scored higher in sensory evaluation than did that prepared with TC 189.