本研究之目的在建構「大眾運輸導向發展(transit-oriented development),」的土地使用規劃模式,用於都市地區居住、商業與休閒等三種活動之配置規劃。模式建立為「灰色多目標規劃(grey multiobjective programming)」,追求目標包括:提高都市環境品質、提高活動間互動的便捷性、提升大眾運具使用、提高商業活動的可及性;限制條件考量:發展強度與容受力限制、與發展現況差距限制、經濟規模限制、活動類型組合與發展特色限制以及捷運系統容量限制;輸入資料與輸出結果可為灰數,以滿足實務作業所面臨的資訊不明確與規劃彈性的需求。本研究進一步設計Grey TOPSIS方法用以求解所建構模式,並可供其他灰色多目標規劃模式應用。最後並將模式實際應用於臺北市之TOD發展規劃,除具體提出規劃建議外,並發現當資訊愈不明確使輸入參數之灰色程度愈大,將導致輸出結果的灰色程度愈大,有利於保留規劃彈性,以因應都市發展的不可掌握性與風險。
This study aims to develop a land use design model for transit-oriented development (TOD) planning. The model is developed to distribute the residence, employment, and recreation activities in an urban area. The input and output of the developed model can he grey numbers, which can deal with the uncertainty and flexibility of real world effectively. The model was developed based on the following four objectives: maximizing the environment qualities of the city maximizing the interaction convenience among activities, maximizing the subway's ridership, and maximizing the accessibility of commercial and business areas as well as the following constraints: carrying capacity differences to the present conditions, economical scale, characteristics of development, and capacity of subway system. A Grey TOPSIS approach is designed to solve the developed mode, and it can be applied by the other grey multiobjective programming. Finally, the model is applied on the TOD planning for Taipei City. Besides the development recommendation for case study, it is also found that the less indefinite information is in grey parameters of model, the higher grey degree outcomes have. It is useful to remain flexibility of planning for responding to the uncertainty and risk.