台灣都市發展違反永續發展的理念,不當的土地開發與規劃供給,造成環境資源耗損與財政資源浪費。為解決這些課題,並改善都市內部的居住環境,應可嘗試以智慧型成長為目標,並以大眾運輸導向發展(transit-oriented development,簡稱TOD)為規劃理念,來抑制都市不合理且無效率的擴張,節省公共財政支出,促進土地發展有效利用及環境資源保護,重構都市空間的利用型態及提供高可居性的都市空間環境。
緣此,本文將以捷運車站為研究對象,探討大眾運輸導向發展之理念,透過多目標規劃方法(multi-objective programming, MOP)與多評準決策(multi-criteria decision making, MCDM)建構運輸與土地使用整合模型,包括實施之範圍劃設、實施地區最適承載量之估計、足以滿足居住與商業活動所需之使用組別配置,並以木柵線中山國中站為實例,政府規劃者則可據以設計或檢討土地使用之配置,以期能系統化地落實TOD政策。
Urban development is recognized as conflict with growth management and sustainable development concept and principles in Taiwan. It is found that city and regional planning methods have depleted our valuable resources under urban sprawling. It not only invades ecological areas but also imposes great burden on local fiscal budgets. Within this context, it is needed to study how to apply the transit-oriented development concept to guide urban development patterns and to build a high livability environment.
Therefore, this study plan aims at building land use design model, with a particular emphasis on mass rapid transit (MRT) stations. The extent to which we can both provide high livability to accommodate the growing population and at the same time meet other goals such as providing good work and commercial environment, preserving open space, reducing traffic congestion, and efficient land use patterns. At last, we can develop and frame our land use planning and its relevant strategies.