交通運輸與土地使用相互影響的密切關係,形成了交通運輸與土地使用整合的都市發展模式,透過文獻回顧發現,西元1880至1990年代間,交通運輸與土地使用所架構之都市模式可以區分爲六種,分別爲傳統步行城市、工業化軌道運輸城市、汽車導向蔓延發展城市、汽車導向緊密發展城市、大眾運輸關聯發展城市及大眾運輸導向發展城市(transit-oriented development,簡稱TOD),雖然全球許多城市規劃於1990年代開始,朝向TOD的都市模式邁進,然而各個城市原屬於何種都市模式,缺乏一個有系統的討論與比較分析,推動TOD的過程中無法因地制宜,將降低預期之效益與效率。緣此,本文乃透過全球36個城市的實證分析,發展出都市模式分類的量化與質化標準,並將全球36個城市予以分類,提供運輸與都市整合發展之策略,以作爲各國擬定政策之參考。
Urban forms are shaped by the relationship between transport and land use connection. Urban forms can be divided into six types from 1880 to 1990, namely traditional walking city, industrial transit city, automobile-oriented development city (compact or sprawl), transit-related development city and transit-oriented development city (TOD). Although many global cities have attempted to shape their urban forms as TOD in 1990s, they often did not have definite objectives or strategies to achieve it, or did not know their existing urban forms. Therefore, they could not become TOD cities in effective and feasible ways. Accordingly, based on previous literatures, this study, performs a comparative analysis and empirical study of 36 global cities to develop quantitative and qualitative definitions of urban forms. Moreover, this study classifies the urban form of these 36 global cities, and designs two sets of strategies for shaping a TOD urban form.