近年來隨著臺灣可用土地取得困難,且民眾對於運具使用、運輸建設所導致的空氣污染、能源消耗、生態環境等課題日益嚴重,因此交通部將「發展綠色運輸系統」列為運輸部門節能減碳策略方向之一。過去雖然交通部運輸研究所有針對都市計畫階段之綠色運輸衡量指標進行探討,並研訂都市計畫案綠色運輸衡量指標,但隨著各類交通建設推展,各地所推行的捷運系統皆逐漸將服務範圍延伸到都市計畫地區以外的鄉村地區,因此全臺廣大的鄉村地區亦需要有相應的指標,供未來規劃者研擬相關運輸建設時之參考。故本研究建立綠色運輸衡量指標,評估其綠色運輸效益,並將焦點著重於過去較為缺乏的鄉村地區指標擬定。依據綠色運輸相關文獻回顧,以專家問卷方式,應用自擬的 Grey-ANP灰色分析網絡程序法進行探討。分析結果,以目的地可及性面向之權重值為最高,其次則分別為轉乘距離與土地使用多元性。實證部分則以宜蘭縣四個具相近特性之鄉村地區為例,比較其綠色運輸發展現況的差異。實證結果,礁溪鄉略優於五結鄉、冬山鄉,但彼此之間差異不大,壯圍鄉的綠色運輸發展則較低。未來可依此研究選出之指標,比較不同鄉村地區之綠色運輸發展情形,以便作為政策擬定或交通改善上之參考。
Acquisition of land for use in Taiwan's land has become difficult in recent years, especially with the increased public attention on transportation-related air pollution, energy consumption and ecological environment. Consequently, the Ministry of Transportation and Communications (MOTC) has listed the "Development of Green Transportation Systems" as an energy-saving carbonreduction strategy in the transportation sector. The MOTC's Institute of Transportation has studied green transportation, and established measurement indicators for urban planning phases. However, as various transportation facilities are being developed, the massive rapid transit (MRT) systems have extended their service ranges beyond urban areas into suburban areas. Accordingly, Taiwan's vast non-urban lands also need appropriate indicators for planners to develop transportation development strategies. This study aims to establish green transportation measurement indicators for assessing the threshold values of green transportation planning indicators, and, in particular, focuses on the suburban areas that have been less discussed in the past. Based on a literature review of public transportation, this study establishes 5 dimensions, each with several indicators. This study applies an expert questionnaire method and a self-developed Grey-ANP (Analytic Network Process) method. Analytical results show that the dimension of destination accessibility has the greatest weight, followed by transfer distance and land use versatility. For the empirical part, four local suburban districts of Yilan County are taken for illustration, in which their green transportation developments are compared for observation of variance. Empirical results indicate that Jiaoxi township is slightly greener than Wujie and Dongshan townships, while Zhuangwei township has the lowest green transportation development. The indicators established by this study can be applied in future studies to compare the green transportation development of different suburban areas, and referenced for transportation policy formulation or transportation improvement.