翡翠水庫係為大臺北地區民生用水重要來源,其污染來源以非點源污染為主。保護帶設置為非點源污染最佳管理作業(BMP),也是目前翡翠水庫管理策略之一。本研究應用地理資訊系統(GIS)以及暴雨管理模式(SWMM),模擬保護帶(Buffer Strips)設置後對翡翠水庫集水區非點源污染削減量,模擬水質項目包含懸浮固體(SS)、總磷(TP)及生化需氧量(BOD)。研究結果顯示,在蓄水範圍四周設置50公尺保護帶時,設置保護帶的子集水區SS輸出削減率超過80%,TP削減率超過50%,BOD削減率達到70%。另外利用Vollenweider模式模擬保護帶設置對水庫水質影響,此總磷削減率最高可達6.1%。若以水庫總磷濃度10μg/L為目標值,則集水區總磷污染量尚需削減19.0%~22.2%。設置50公尺保護帶可削減總磷每年約800公斤,佔目標削減量1/3~1/4。除了設置保護帶外,尚需透過其他非點源污染控制措施才能達到此削減量。
The Feitsui reservoir is the drinking water source for the Taipei metropolis, and nonpoint source pollution in this reservoir has been considered as an important issue. Buffer Strips are one of the best management practices (BMPs) and are used in Feitsui reservoir management. In this study, we integrate geographic information systems (GIS) and Stormwater Management Model (SWMM) to assess the effects of buffer strips in Feitsui reservoir. The major water quality items contain suspended solids (SS), total phosphorus (TP) and biochemical oxygen demand (BOD). The results show placing buffer strips 50 m in width around the reservoir can reduce 80% of SS, 50% of TP, and 70% of COD for the subwatersheds with buffer strips. In addition, the Vollenweider model is utilized to assess water quality in the reservoir and the results show that a 19-22% pollution reduction rate is required to achieve the goal of 10μg/L of TP. Buffer strips 50m in width contributed 1/3-1/4 reduction loads, which is 800 kgTP/yr. In addition to buffer strips, more BMPs are necessary in the watershed management of Feitsui reservoir.