基於國際電力市場興起之「低碳化」潮流與能源安全,未來我國之電力能源發展方向,亦逐步 由單純的低成本的傳統灰色電力開發方式,轉變為對環境相對友善的綠色電力開發方式。此外,有鑑於臺灣民間團體興起之環保意識,企業配合綠色貿易追求降低產品碳足跡的需求,已逐漸形成一 股風潮要求自願性主動認購綠電商品市場。但因我國綠電政策較先進國家起步晚,又無自由化的電力市場機制,如何建構一套有效的本土綠電市場機制更是困難重重。本文首先說明我國能源安全的 現實狀況,並透過調查測試市場對此一相對高成本且尚未公開上市交易之新商品―「綠電」的接受度。其次,再利用CGE模型模擬FIT補貼工具設計對電力產業的成本有效性衝擊,解釋產業發展穩定政策的重要性。最後嘗試設計我國先導型的綠電商品市場機制。結果顯示我國現行再生能源發展條例等相關法規在執行上確有改善的空間,一個穩定且成本有效性的新綠電商品制度設計可確保相當程度之低碳環境與綠色貿易的雙重良性循環。
In order to speed up the development of renewable energy industries and improve energy security, the Taiwan government passed the “Renewable Energy Development Act” in 2009. Based on the statute, a feed-in tariff subsidy policy for green electricity production has been framed. The fund for the feed-in tariff subsidy basically comes from an additional fee that the electric power providers who are using nonrenewable energies are obliged to pay. Because the green electricity is a new product to society, the present paper conducts a demand-side market survey and estimates the cost-effectiveness measures that will reach the promulgated policy goal set by the Taiwan government. The major finding of the present paper is that there is a big gap between the policy goal and reality. Therefore, the new green electricity policy is going to need a tune-up in the future. A policy renovation and implementation road map has been proposed by this paper that is suited to the special needs of the Taiwan economy.