現今地理教育越來越重視電子地圖、多媒體等數位教學資源的應用,整合:而2005年Google Earth的問世,眾多的優點適合應用於地理數位教學之中,開啓了地理數位學習的新視野。據此,本研究將高中地理課程數位化,應用Google Earth API技術開發建構一個數位學習圖台,以高巾學生爲實驗對象,進行創新的數位學習之實驗,以瞭解Google Earth在地圖及GIS單元的學習滿意度與發展潛力。研究結果顯示,透過Google Earth進行數位學習可提升學生的學習興趣,同時也樂意接受數位學習的模式來學習,證實了Google Earth在地理數位學習推動的優勢。
Today, Geography education is more emphasized on electronic map, multimedia and other e-learning's resources for application and integration. The Google Earth system are released in 2005, many advantages are suitable techniques for teaching of geography education. However, in this study, we utilized Google Earth API technology to build up a Free-GIS web site and testing the Map and GIS units' E-learning outcome for senior high school students in geography course. Finally, through the questionnaire and statistic analysis methods of this research, the results outcome shows that the test students using Google Earth Web site not only carry out interest of E-learning, but also willing to accept E-learning model to the study process. It confirms that Google Earth at E-learning promote has many advantages of high school's geography course in the future.