為配合轉作園藝作物,探討設施栽培之微氣象環境,本研究以高經濟作物洋香瓜(香蘭種)為試驗材料,進行洋香瓜微氣象環境之觀測,藉以瞭解不同栽培設施微氣象物理環境的改變對洋香瓜產量及品質之影響。 本研究所採用之栽培處理包括露天匍伏栽培(畦面無覆蓋物、覆稻草、覆銀色塑膠布)、露天直立栽培畦面覆銀色塑膠布、隧道式匍伏栽培畦面覆銀色塑膠布及溫室直立栽培(畦面覆稻草和無覆蓋)等方式。經以微氣象自動觀測系統測定各種栽培處理之微氣象環境,發現以隧道式栽培之氣溫、土溫較高,溫室栽培有同樣的效果,同時溫室內之相對濕度較其他處理低。植株生育期,溫室栽培延長,隧道式則較露天處理短,果實之單果重、果徑、甜度等亦以隧道式及溫室栽培較佳。 無論設施栽培或露天栽培,凡畦面採覆蓋處理者,於日間可隔絕部份日射,土壤吸收熱量減少,土溫日振幅變化較小,土壤熱流量減少,土壤濕度增加,並且日出前及日落後可防止熱量過度散失,得以保持土溫。溫室及隧道式微氣象物理環境較佳,又可隔絕部份病蟲害媒介物之傳播,植株罹病率低於其他處理,可能為其果實品質較佳之原因。
An automatic micrometeorological observation system was used to measure the changes of micrometeorological environment of cantaloupe field. And, inview of micrometeorology, the research for the influence of different cultivation structures on products and quality of cantaloupe (Cucumis melo L.) was executed in 1986 and 1987. The cultivation treatments included creeping cultivation with straw、PE mulching and nonmulching (check treatment) and upstanding cultivation with PE mulching in exposed field, creeping cultivation with PE mulching in tunnels and upstanding cultivations with straw mulching and nonmulching in greenhouses. From the experimental observation data, it detected that air and soil temperatures in tunnels or in greenhouses were higher than those in other treatments. However, the relative humidity in greenhouses was less than that of other treatments. About plant growth、fruit products and sweetness, the tunnels and greenhouses cultivations were superior to the others, and the percentage of diseased plants were less. Ordinarily, during the daytime, the cultivations with mulching treatments might obstruct partial solar radiation, so that their soil temperature、soil heat flux and soil humidity were decreased. But, before sunrise and sunset, the mulching treatments might prevent the loss of heat flux, so as to keep the soil temperature.