摘要: | 戴奧辛為致癌性有害空氣汙染物,會長期累積於環境中並經由食物聯傳遞而危害人體,國際接以優先管置固定源排放戴奧辛為施政策略。台灣戴奧辛立法排放管制始於1997年,先針對大型垃圾焚化爐以最嚴格排放標準管制。後續透過排放檢測及資料庫建置,陸續對中小型廢棄物焚化爐、電弧爐、燒結工場、煉鋼業及塵灰高溫冶鍊設施及一般固定汙染源發布排放管制標準,為全世界唯一將所有固定源排放戴奧辛均納入管制國家,無論在法規完整性或標準嚴格性堪稱最為完備。台灣戴奧辛年排放總量已由2002年的327g I-TEQ,下降至2010年的g I-TEQ,排放滅量達82%。環境空氣戴奧辛監測結果顯示, 2009年台灣平均值0.041 pg I-TEQ/m^3,較2002年、2003年度監測平均值。0.089 pg I-TEQ/m^3明顯降低,且皆遠低於日本環境戴奧辛空氣品質基準值(0.6 pg WHO2005-TEQ/m^3)。戴奧辛排放立法工作必須透過國外資料蒐集、控制技術及健康風險評估等相關程序、耗時甚久。環保單位雖然對戴奧辛管制工作不遺餘力,然很不幸在2005年仍發生戴奧辛污染國內自產農產品事件,所幸各部會能迅速進行污染源調查、鑑定及風險管控,並加速完成所有排放源納管工作。依據衛生署食品調查顯示,自2008年起,國內即未曾發生任何自產食品戴奧辛濃度超過「食品中戴奧辛處理規範」情事,顯示國內排放管制已獲致相當成效且充分反映於民生議題、降低民眾風險。筆者|a||b|長期服務於台灣環保公務體系,負責戴奧辛排放法令制訂及策略規劃,爰為文對台灣地區戴奧辛排放管制政策做回顧,並對未來管制方向提出建議。
Dioxins are persistent environmental pollutants, they accumulate in the food chain; can cause cancer and various health problems to human beings. The preference strategies for most governments around the world are via source-directed measures, such as control of stationary dioxins emission sources. Regulations for dioxin emission control was implemented in 1997, and the large-scaled municipal waste incinerators were the first facilities to be regulated with the most stringent emission control standards. Through emissions investigation and inventory establishment, EPA stipulates the emissions control standards for the following stationary sources: small-and-medium-scaled waste incinerators, electric arc furnace, sinter plant, the steel industry flue dust collecting high temperature smelting facilities and general stationary sources. Taiwan becomes the only country with dioxin emission control regulations for all the stationary sources. The legislations are fully integrated and most stringent around the world.In Taiwan, the total quantities of emitted dioxin decreased from 327 g I-TEQ in 2002 to 59 g I-TEQ in 2010, the amount reduced was 82%. The average dioxin concentration for ambient air was 0.041 pg I-TEQ/m3 in 2009, the decrease is obviously compared with the data in 2002 and 2003 which averaged 0.089 pg I-TEQ/m^3. And they are also much lower than standards in Japan environmental air quality baseline value (0.6 pg WHO2005-TEQ/m^3).Based on literature review, control technology, health risk assessment and other relevant issues, legislation for dioxin emissions was completed and the whole process was time-consuming. Despite all the effort done by the Environment Protection Administration regarding dioxin control, domestic agricultural products were contaminated by dioxin in 2005.However, with all the efforts made by the relevant agencies, we can quickly conduct sources investigation, identification and risk control. According to the investigation for domestic produced food done by the Department of Health, since 2008, there is no violation case for dioxin concentration as regulated in ”The dioxin handling practices in foods”. It shows that domestic dioxin emissions control in Taiwan has been very effective and fully reflected in the people's livelihood and reduces people's health risk.The authors [a] [b] served for a long time as official personnel of Environment Protection Administration in Taiwan, who were responsible for the development and strategic planning regarding dioxin emissions laws. This article is to review dioxin emission control policies in Taiwan and provide recommendations for future control direction. |