自1993年4月到1994年4月,研究人員選擇墾丁國家公園社7頁地區內的5隻梅花鹿成鹿(Cervus nippon taiouanus ),觀察季節與採食行為之間的關係。初步觀察將行為依採食高度相對於肩高分為4類,其中以低階採食的比例最高,佔日間覓食的80.4%;中階採食次之(15.3%),珊瑚礁採食又次之(3.3%),至於使用高階採食的比例則最少(0.7%)。若由季節的變化來看:乾季(5-9月)鹿隻珊瑚礁採食行為的比例有顯著增加(ANOVA,p<0.05);濕季(10-4月)則傾向使用低階採食行為覓食(ANOVA, p<0.05),不同季節的行為表現推測可能與地被層植物的豐富度及可及度有關。
From Apr. 1993 to Apr. 1994 at Sheting, 5 sika deer (Cervlls nippon taiollanlls) were selected to study their feeding behavior in different seasons. Feeding behavior was divided into 4 categories according to browsing level: (1) low (height under-shoulder), (2) medium (height over-shoulder but no more than the height of full neck stretch with 4 legs on the ground), (3) high (height over medium including jump ... etc.) and (4) reef (climbing coral reef to feed). The relative occurance of different feeding behavior used by deer were: low (80.5%) , medium (15. 4%) , reef (3 .4%) and high (0.7%) respectively. The occurance of four behaviorial categories also varied between seasons. Deer climbing reef to feed increased significantly from 0.2% in wet season (Oct. to Apr.) to 5.2% in dry season (May to Sep.) (ANOVA, p<0. 05); while the occurance of feeding under shoulder height decreased from 86.9% in wet season to 76.8% in dry season (ANOVA, p<0. 05). The seasonal changes of relative frequency of foraging behavior implied that the relative abundance and availability of the forest undergrow in different seasons played an important role of deer feeding behavior.