摘要: | 研究人員自1993年3月到1994年2月,在墾丁國家公園社項地區的台灣梅花鹿(Cervus nippon taiouanus) 復育區內進行調查,觀察並記錄梅花鹿所攝食之植物種類及部位。結果共記錄62科151種鹿食植物:包括蕨類4科5種,雙子葉植物44科116種,單子葉植物14科30種;其中又以大戢科和禾本科的植物所占種數最多。其採食植物的部位以葉莖為主,花與果次之,此外亦會吃落葉及樹皮。若依全株植物被鹿隻利用之部位來分,超過4種部位以上者,分別是銀合歡、血桐、構樹、小葉桑、牽牛、三角葉西番蓮、菜鑒藤、槍刀菜、臺灣沿階草和風車草等10種植物。若以植物的生活型來分,151種植物中,鹿隻食用的木本與草本的比例, 顯著較當地此二類植物的分布比例要高(X2test, p<0.05),顯示梅花鹿的攝食就種類而言存有偏好性,具有食葉者(browser)的傾向。
Food habit study on Formosan Sika deer (Cervus nippon taiouanus) was conducted at Sheting area, Kenting national park in Taiwan from March, 1993 to Feburary, 1994 . One hundred and fifty-one food plants from 62 families were recorded including 5 species of pteridophyte, 116 species of dicotyledon and 30 species of monocotyledon. Among them Euphorbiaceae and Gramineae were the most dominant families. Different plant parts were also used by deer. They were as fallows according to their occurrance from the most frequent use to the least: leaves, stems, flowers, fruits, fallen leaves and tree barks. Ten plant species having 4 or more parts used by deer were Leucaena glauca (L .) Benth. , Macaranga tanarius (L. ) Muell. -Arg., Broussonetia papyrifera (L.) L'Herit. ex Vent., Morus australis Poir., Ipomoea sp., Passiflora suberosa L., Merremia gemella (Burm. f.) Hall. f., Hypoestes cumingiana Benth. & Hook., Ophiopogon formosanum Ohwi and Cyperus alternifolius L. subsp. flabelliformis (Rottb.) Kukenthal . Two life forms could be identifIed among 151 species . That deer fed proportionally more woody species than that of herbaceous species (Chi-square, p<0. 05) indicated that deer at Sheting area tended to be a browser. |