種子發芽是植物生活史上一重要時期,而發芽時期的耐鹽性是生長於鹽分土壤之植物建造與否的轉捩點。鹽土植物種子雖長期暴露於高鹽分環境之下仍能保持其活力,並於鹽分濃度降低時進行發芽。本研究結果顯示,木麻黃種子在氯化鈉溶液處理濃度50-200g L^(-1)時之11日滲透調節效應期間不發芽﹔然滲透調節效應一消失,種子展現發芽且發芽率未減,但淨發芽日則呈現顯著延遲。滲透調節效應處理時間如由11天延長至25天,木麻黃種子發芽率與淨發芽日均稍呈減弱與延遲之趨勢,然在處理濃度間,其發芽率差異不顯著,而淨發芽日則呈極顯著之延遲。木麻黃種子在200g L^(-1)氯化鈉溶液處理25天仍未見離子毒害發生而使其發芽率明顯降低。
Seed germination is a crucial stage in the life cycle of plants, and salt tolerance during the germination stage is critical for the establishment of plants that grow in saline soil. Therefore, seeds of halophytes are known to maintain viability for an extended period of time during exposure to high salinity, and they can initiate germination when the salinity is reduced. The results showed that Casuarina seeds germinated as soon as the osmoregulation effects of NaCl (50-200g L^(-1)) disappeared. As compared to the control, similar germination percentage and significantly delayed net germination day were found in NaCl treatments. If osmoregulation period was prolonged from 11 days to 25 days, the tendencies of reduced germination percentage and delayed net germination day were found. However, only significantly delayed net germination day were found between NaCl treatments. Seed germination of Casuarina spp. occurred up to 200g L^(-1) NaCl treatment for 25 days without significant ion toxicity.