本研究旨在了解燃燒重量損失法應用於華林生態園區不同林相下土壤有機物含量調查之初探。本研究針對華林生態園區不同林相如紅檜林、肯氏南洋杉林、松樹林、竹林、生態系經營示範區之闊葉樹林、草生地與生態池週邊之相思樹次生林等地以土管進行土壤取樣,並將土壤依取樣深度區分成0-15cm 之上層土與 15-30cm 之下層土,以燃燒重量損失法進行土壤有機物含量之調查,並進行土壤含水率之量測。結果顯示,在2011 年06 月之調查中,土壤含水率與土壤有機物含量於林相間皆呈現極顯著(P<0.0001)之差異,生態系經營示範區之闊葉樹林有最高之土壤含水率與土壤有機物含量而紅檜林則最低。在2012 年01 月之調查中,土壤含水率於林相間和土壤深度間皆呈現極顯著之差異(P<0.01),而土壤有機物含量則於林相間和土壤深度間分別呈現顯著(P=0.0143)與極顯著(P<0.0001)之差異,其中生態系經營示範區之闊葉樹林有最高之土壤含水率與土壤有機物含量而草生地則最低;0-15cm 上層土之土壤含水率與土壤有機物含量皆高於15-30cm 下層土。
The purpose of this study was to investigate the soil organic matter content from stands of Hua-Lin Ecological Garden by loss on ignition method. This study sampled soils from Chamaecyparis formosensis stand, Araucaria cunninghamii D. Don stand, pine stand, bamboo stand, grassland, hardwood stand of ecological management area, grassland, and Acacia confusa secondary forest of Hua-Lin Ecological Garden. The soils sampled were divided into two depths: 0-15 cm and 15-30 cm. Soil moisture content and soil organic matter content were investigated. The results showed highly significant differences (P<0.0001) between forest stands for both soil moisture content and soil organic matter content from soils sampled in June, 2011. Soil moisture content from soils sampled in January of 2012 both showed highly significant differences in forest stands and in soil depths; however, soil organic matter content showed significant and highly significant difference in forest stands and in soil depths, respectively. Soil from hardwood stand had highest soil moisture content and soil organic matter content, and grassland the lowest. Compared to the lower soil depth (15-30cm), the upper soil depth (0-15cm) had higher soil moisture content and soil organic matter content.