摘要: | 本研究是以馬來西亞產"Calamus erinaceaus"(RB), :Calamus ornatus"(RL), "Calamus javensis"(RO),及菲律賓產"Calamus merrillii"(PA), "Calamus marginatus"(LA),等五種藤材進行各項物理性質及機械性質試驗,其所得結果摘要如下:1.五種藤材之節間長度,自基部起先呈急速的增長,稈徑則於最初呈直線降低,之後二者變化較緩或維持一定值波動。平均節間長度,以PA之32.2 cm為最長,依序為RO 24.6 cm, RL 20.3 cm, RB 20.2 cm, 及LA之13.7 cm,而平均直徑則分別為PA 37.7 mm, RO 32.5 mm, RL 29.5 mm, RB 20.0 mm, LA 14.8 mm。2.比重在直徑的橫向變化皆由籐皮處為最大,往籐心有逐漸減小的趨勢,且比重在種間亦具有明顯的差異,平均比重以LA之0.648為最大,依序為RB 0.430, RO 0.387, RL 0.373及PA 0.370。3.籐材的硬度因不同部位有明顯的差異,一般籐皮附近的硬度約為籐心的2倍,此五種籐材之硬度分別為LA 5.30kgf/mm^2, RL 3.78 kgf/mm^2, RB 3.29 kgf/mm^2, PA 2.44kgf/mm^2, RO 2.41 kgf/mm^2,且平均硬度籐皮附近為4.99 kgf/mm^2,籐心為2.37kgf/mm_2。4.籐材的壓縮強度與引張強度值均較木材平均值低,且強度測試時籐材有非常大的變形可緩衝外來的應力。強度試驗值顯示LA最大,依序RB, RL, RO, PA則為最小。
This study was to investigate the physical and mechanical prorerties of "Calamus erinaceaus" (RB), "Calamus ornatus" (RL), "Calamus javensis" (RO) grown in Malaysia and "Calamus merrillii" (PA), "Calamus marginatus" (LA) grown in the Phillippines. The results are summarized as follows: 1.The internode length increases rapidly from the first internode of the base to the top of the stern with the number of internodes; and the stern diameter decreases linearly with the same case, in the five rattan species. The average internode lengths of PA, RO, RL, RB and LA are 32.2cm, 24.6cm, 20.3cm, 20.2cm and I3.7cm respectively, whiIe those of the stern diameters are 37.7mm, 32.5mm, 29.5mm, 20.0mm and 14.8 mm respectively. 2. The transverse variations of specific gravity reveals decreasing tendency from the epidermal layer to the central part of the stern, and there are significant differences between rattan species. The average values of LA, RB, RO, RL and PA are 0.648, 0.430, 0.387, 0.373 and 0.370 respectively. 3. There are significant differences in hardness at different positions, even the hardness of the general epidermis is 2-fold as much as that of the central part of rattan. The hardness of LA, RL, RB, PA and RO are 5.30kgf/mm_2, 3.78kgf/mm_2, 3.29kgf/mm_2, 2.44kgf/mm_2 and 2.41kgf/mm_2 respectively. The average value of the epidermal and central positions are 4.99kgf/mm_2, and 2.37kgf/mm_2 respectively. 4.The mechanical properties reflect unique characteristics, and the σcp/σc, Yp/Yr of rattan in compressive and also in the related tensile tests are smaller than those of wood, therefore revealing much larger strain so as to produce a cushioning effect. The mechanical strength test indicated that LA > RB > RL > RO > PA. |