The objective of this study was to investigate the culm-form characteristics of five bamboo species, Sinobambusa tootsik (Makino) Makino (ST), Bambusa multiplex (Lour.), Raeuschel cv. "Alphonse Karr" (BMA), Bambusa multiplex (Lour.) Raeuschel (BM), Phyllostachys aurea Carr. Ex A. & C. Riv (PA) and Sinobambusa kunishii (Hayata) Nakai (SK) in Taiwan. Four culm-form characteristics including internode length, culm diameter, culm wall thickness and culm wall occupancy rate were evaluated for industrial utilization values. None of the tested species showed prominent value in all culm-form charactevistics. Culm-form characteristics should be considered individually with the type of utilization.