摘要: | 本文探討木質家具製造過程之電能耗用情形,並進一步以電能損耗值轉換成CO_2的排放量,以瞭解本產業之電能耗用情形及對環境產生之CO_2衝擊值,除了可進一步與其他產業比較,亦可與相關之林產工業比較產業效能,由分析所得之結果如下:(1)全廠一年投入之總木料材積共14,355 m^3,直接生產所耗之電力共9,549,761度,總產生之CO_2排放量含直接生產與燃燒廢材產生熱能共3,880,793 kg。(2)在各製程所耗電力中,除乾燥作業外,以各部材製作之耗能為最大,佔54.6%;其次為塗裝作業,佔17.1%;砂磨作業13.5%;製材作業10.4%;包裝作業4.1%;熱壓作業0.4%。(3)單位材積每m3直接生產之總耗電量為665.2度,單位材積之CO_2排放量163.8 kg,燃燒廢材所得之能源單位材積每m3排放106.6 kg,合計生產過程之單位材積CO_2排放量共270.4 kg。(4)全廠全年之CO_2排出量共約3,881 ton,產出之原木材積之CO_2貯積共約12,037 ton,若以單位材積計算則可得每m3製造之CO_2排放量270.4 kg遠小於產出之單位材積每m3貯存之CO_2 812.9 kg,顯見木質材料的使用對於CO_2減量極其正面意義。
This article is aimed at the investigation of energy consumption of furniture manufacturing. Furthermore, the value of energy consumption would be converted into the emission amount of carbon dioxide (CO_2 ) so as to compare with CO_2 emissions of other industries or with other forest products industries. Key results are summarized as follows: (1)Input wood volume of furniture factory is 14,355 m^3 in a whole year. The total electricity consumption of direct furniture manufacturing is 9,549,761 kw.hr which produces CO_2 emissions of 3,880,793 kg at the same time. (2)ln all manufacturing procedures, except the energy consumption of wood drying, the fraction of energy consumption of parts combination, coating, sanding, sawing, packing, and hot-press is 54.6%,17.1%,13.5%,10.4%,4.1%, and 0.4%respectively. (3)Whole factory emits 3,881 ton CO_2, Meanwhile, the CO_2 sink of output woody furniture is about 12,037 ton. (4)Electricity consumption of unit wood volume is 665.2 kw.hr/m^3 and the total carbon dioxide emissions the 270.4 kg/m^3, which value is much smaller than 812.9 kg/m^3 for CO_2 sink of unit output volume. The investigated result shows that wood utilization has positive meaning for the reduction of CO_2. |