摘要: | 二十世紀初期以來,陽明山地區即開始進行造林運動,造成天然植群的嚴重改變;然而,經歷栽植、盜伐、森林火災、病蟲害等因素干擾,並在植群次級演替的作用下,人工林的植群隨時間之不同而產生改變。因此,在2003年針對陽明山公園範圍內所進行為期一年的人工林植群調查,以暸解人工林現況並推測其未來植群變遷。在所設置的34個10×10m2樣區內,共紀錄維管束植物84科155屬199種,其中包括10種人工栽種樹種,其中最重要的人工造林樹種以柳杉、琉球松、楓香、樟、相思樹為主,散佈於大屯山、七星山等區域,其中許多樹種在無法順利天然更新及其它樹種入侵雙重壓力下,將被紅楠、香楠、牛奶榕、黑星櫻、華八仙、山紅柿等樹種取替代。在陽明山國家公園範圍內,目前栽種之人工造林,均無法完成天然更新,若不加以人為干擾,勢必在未來會隨著演替作用的進行,逐漸被其它樹種所替代。
Since the early 20th century, the forestation activities in Yangmingshan had significantly altered the natural vegetation. However, nuder secondary succession process, and along with planting, illegal cutting, forest fires and disease, the vegetation of those artificial plantations also had changed over time. In order to understand the current status of those artificial plantations, and to predict their vegetation changes in the future. This study conducted a one-year vegetation investigation in 2003 for the artificial plantations within the Yangmingshan National Park. All the 34 plots, 10m×10m2 each, totally 84 families, 155 genus, and 199 species of vascular plants were recorded. The species of them are 10 cultivated species, mainly Cryptomeria japonica, Pinus luchensis, Liquidambar formosana, Cinnamomum camphora, Acacia canfusa, scattering around Tatunshan and Chihsingshan areas. Many of them had been replaced by machilus thunbergii、Machilus zuihoensis due to poor regeneration and invasion of other species. In conclusion, artificial plantations in the Yang-Ming-San National Park are unable to complete natural regeneration. Without human disturbances, they will be replaced by other species as succession processes go on. |