竹子湖地區為陽明山國家公園內重要遊憩地點,長期受不同程度的人逼干擾,及歷經造林及農耕,呈現?樣化植物資源。本次研究共設置了35個10 × 10□的樣區調查竹子湖地區的物資源,記錄樣區內木本植物的名稱及胸高直徑及地被植物之名稱及覆蓋度。全部樣區共計有142科338屬476種植物。因人為干擾再加上植群演替階段不一,可區分為三種林型:青楓林型、柳杉林型、樹杞-紅楠林型。除柳杉外,重要樹種多呈反J型族群徑級結構,顯示可以在原地完成族群更新,柳杉將逐漸被紅楠、香楠、牛奶榕、黑星櫻、華八仙、山紅柿等樹種所取代而演替成楠木類次生林。
Chutzuhu area is one of the most important recreational locations in Yangmingshan national park. It contains rich plant resource due to long-term disturbance by human, reforestation and agricultural activities. There were 35 plots (1× □ each) were set up for investigating the species and diameter of breast height of woody plants and the species and coverage of chamaephytes. The results revealed 142 families, 338 genera, and 476 plant species in all plots. Vegetation types were affected by the different degree of disturbance and stage of succession. They can be divided into Acer serrulatum Association, Cryptomeria japonica Asociation and Ardisia sieboldii – Machilus thumbergii Association. Except for Cryptomeria japonica, most important woody plants showed reverse J shape population structure indicating plant smight regenerate in site. Cryptomeria japonica would be substitute gradually by machilus thumbergii, Machilus zuihoensis, Ficus erecta var. beecheyana, Prunus phaeositica, Hydrangea chinensis and Diospyros morrisiana to become a Machilus secondary forest.