摘要: | 為探討國人乳製品之攝取情形,及其與人體健康指標間之相關性,本研究依內政部戶籍登記縣市將台灣分成20個調查區域,進行電話問卷調查,結果發現:71.4%國人平常有食用乳製品,其中男性佔30.6%,女性比例較高佔40.8%,在選擇乳製品上偏好全脂鮮乳、優酪乳與低脂鮮乳,其比例為38.5、23.2、與21.8%。國人罹患骨質疏鬆症、三高、腸胃疾病、更年期症狀、及腰酸背痛之比例分別為17.2、19.9、25.4、22.6與43.2%,一週乳製品攝取不到1天者之腸胃疾病與腰酸背痛罹患率(42.6與55.6%)最高,一週乳製品攝取1~2天者之腰酸背痛罹患率(32.3%)最低,不攝取乳製品者罹患上述症狀之比例(20.7、24.2、19.7、25.4 與42.2%)與各症狀之平均罹患率接近,攝取優酪乳在下降骨質疏鬆症、三高與更年期症狀之罹患上(11.4、16.1與14.9%)效果佳。日常三餐採均衡飲食者,罹患更年期症狀之比例低(20.6%),骨質疏鬆症及三高症狀之罹患率亦低(16.3與20.5%)。一週運動3~4天者三高症狀之罹患率(4.7%)低,BMI在正常範圍者骨質疏鬆症與三高症狀之罹患率(14.6、15.1%)亦低。綜上所述,每週攝取乳製品1~2天並含優酪乳,進而在日常三餐飲食採均衡飲食,每週運動3~4天,並能維持正常BMI,對於健康具加分作用。
To study consumers' aptitudes for dairy consumption in Taiwan and the effects on human health, this research was performed by telephone survey in 20 areas of different localities. The results showed 71.4% people consumed dairy products. Among them, 40.8% were women, whereas 30.6% were men. Whole fat milk, yogurt, and low fat milk consumption were 38.5, 23.2, and 21.8%, respectively. The rates of symptoms of osteoporosis, the three highs, digestion, menopause, and a sore waist and an aching back for the people consuming dairy products were 17.2, 19.9, 25.4, 22.6, and 43.2%, respectively. The highest risks of digestion symptoms (42.6%) and a sore waist and an aching back (55.6%) were found among people who consumed dairy products for less than 1 day per week. The lowest risk of a sore waist and an aching back (32.3%) were observed among those people consuming dairy products for 1-2 days per week. The rates of symptoms of osteoporosis, three highs, digestion, menopause, and a sore waist and an aching back for those who did not consume any dairy products were 20.7, 24.2, 19.7, 25.4, and 42.2%, respectively, which was close to the average rate of each symptom. Yogurt consumption could reduce the rate of osteoporosis (11.4%), three highs (16.1%), and menopause (14.9%) symptoms, respectively. While the risks of symptoms of menopause (20.6%), osteoporosis (16.3%), and three highs (20.5%) were low among people who took a balanced diet as daily meals, the rate of people who exercised 30 minutes per day, 3-4 days per week suffering from three highs (4.7%) was low. People with BMI in the regular range (18.5≦BMI<24) had lower risks of osteoporosis (14.6%) and three highs (15.1%). In conclusion, the consumption of dairy products for 1-2 days per week including |