溫室氣體源自農業者主要為甲烷、二氧化碳及氧化亞氮三種,其中與 畜牧有關者,主要為甲烷及氧化亞氮,其釋放量約佔農業來源之 50%。為瞭解 畜牧與溫室效應的關係,本試驗著手於家禽養殖所產生溫室氣體總量之測量及估 算。本試驗利用改良之呼吸室應用於家禽腸內發酵所產生之氣體之收集,於 1999 年冬季、春季及夏季分別飼養 400 隻白色肉雞,並在飼養週期中每 3 天隨機取 樣,置於呼吸室內,進行氣體之採樣。並利用氣體層相分析儀 ( GC:Gas Chromatography ) 來分析樣品中甲烷、氧化亞氮及二氧化碳氣體濃度,再依據政 府間氣候變遷小組 ( Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, IPCC ) 方法估算全省白色肉雞養殖過程,每年因腸內發酵所產生之甲烷、氧化亞氮及二 氧化碳總量。估算結果顯示,全省白色肉雞飼養所產生的 GHG 中,甲烷總量 為 3.007 公噸;氧化亞氮總量為 0.0063 公噸;二氧化碳總量為 218,147 公噸, 若以 1990 之估算值為基準。分別僅佔總溫室氣體排放量之 2.95╱106 ( CH4 )、 2.41╱106 ( N2O ) 及 1.76╱103 ( CO2 )。綜觀國內外報告中,並無家禽腸內發 酵的資料。所以此試驗所得之資料,雖然數值不及其它產業所產生之數值大,但 因其為首次被發表,仍不失為一重要的基礎數據。然而,衍自家禽飼養過程之糞 尿處理可能排放之溫室氣體,則為另一極待建立之基礎數據。
The interference of human activities to the environment has been increasing as civil culture and science advance. Large quantity of greenhouse gas ( GHG ) has been released to the atmosphere since industrial revolution leads to global warming effect resulting in 0.3 ~ 0.6℃ increase in the last decade. The major GHG produced by agriculture are carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4), and nitrous oxide (N2O) ; of which the last two gases are the main GHG produced by farm animals, which account for one half of the GHG produced by agriculture. The purpose of this study was to estimate the GHG released by the white broiler industry in Taiwan in order to investigate the relationship between greenhouse effect and the animal husbandry. Three groups of 400 broilers were raised in winter, spring and summer, and the GHG released due to enteric fermentation were collected at a three-day interval. Samples were analyzed by gas chromatography, and the emission factors were obtained by estimation according to the equation provided by Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. The estimation CH4, N2O and CO2 produced by the white broiler industry in Taiwan in 1998 were 3.007 Mt, 0.0063 Mt and 218,147 Mt, respectively. Data presented in this study was the first in the country and perhaps in the world, to report in GHG emission in poultry industry due to the enteric fermentation.