本研究利用採氣罩進行蛋雞糞尿堆肥處理中溫室氣體(Greenhouse Gas; GHG)釋 放之採樣。氣體樣本利用氣相色層分析儀(Gas Chromatograph; GC)分別測定甲烷、二氧 化碳及氧化亞氮,並參考國際間政府氣候變遷小組(IPCC)之推估方式,建立臺灣蛋雞產業 溫室氣體的釋放數據。糞尿處理之溫室氣體釋放係數測定中,利用採氣罩直接於堆肥上進行 氣體的採樣。經分析與推估後得到糞尿處理釋放係數於甲烷、二氧化碳及氧化亞氮分別為 7.85、469.13及0.07kg/Mt。配合農業統計年報(2001)所提供之蛋雞數量,計算出臺灣地 區雞產業糞尿處理所釋放出之溫室氣體量,甲烷、二氧化碳及氧化亞氮分別為15,228、905 ,898及136Mt。
This study was designed to estimate the greenhouse gases (GHG) emission from layer manure management. The accumulated GHG released from compost was collected using a sampling chamber and carried back to the laboratory for methane, carbon dioxide and nitrous oxide analysis via gas chromatography (GC). The GHG concentrations were then converted to the emission factors and the total GHG emissions were estimated based on the factors constructed. Results indicated that the GHG emission factors constructed for CH4, CO2 and NO2 were 7.85, 469.13 and 0.07 kg/Mt, respectively. According to the annual layer production in Taiwan provided by annual agriculture statistics report (2001), the total GHG emission from layer manure management in 2000 for CH4, CO2 and NO2 were 15,228、905,898 and 136 Mt, respectively.