摘要: | 本研究針對行政院農委會2002與2003年通過認證之73家優良養豬場進行問卷調查,以了解國內養豬場現今選拔與生產管理制度之施行狀況,作為商用豬場育種與配種管理策略及政府制定相關政策的參考。問卷以混合郵寄與電話調查方式於2004年9月進行,回收率達85%。問卷資料分布於13個縣,經營者的年齡平均為51歲,57%的學歷在專科以上;建場時間57%是在1973年至1983年間,也是臺灣養豬產業較為興盛的年代;70%的豬場為個人獨資經營,其中約有67%的經營者為第二代。分析的養豬場中,三個主要出售的肉豬品種組合分別是DL, DYL與DLYL,分別佔26, 31與21%;同時有23%的豬場自留更新種公豬,45%的豬場自留更新母豬,性能檢定站與私人種豬場為其種公與母豬的次要更新來源,生長性能與體型是選拔留種公豬時最重要的兩個因素,均佔26%;繁殖性能與體型則是選拔母豬時最重視的因素,分別佔29%與18%。在生產制度方面,76%的豬場完全採用人工授精,26%的肉豬未剪耳號,38%的肉豬剪旬號;89%的仔豬是在21至28天離乳;有57%的豬場生產者同意以活豬外觀體型決定肉豬售價,而22%則不同意,若能引進新的品種,盤克夏品種是首選(38%),而有23%的生產者可能選擇合成豬;此外,調查的豬場中,應用電腦養豬生產的比例佔83%,能夠掌握生產資訊(52%)是使用電腦後改善最多的項目。本問卷結果發現,國內豬隻的生產者,期望豬場工作單純化,注重生產管理與疾病防治,期望育種選拔的工作由政府或種豬場負責,為提供國內的消費者品質穩定的豬肉,種豬供應係統與性能檢定制度尚須進一步的改善。
Comprehensive surveys were sent to 73 pig producers, whose farms were approved by the quality pig farm evaluation system from the Council of Agriculture of the Republic of China in September, 2004, for accessing their attitude and the use of recommended selection and management practices Sixty-two pig producers (85%) responded to the survey. The average age for pig producers surveyed was 51, and 57% of producers are highly educated. More than 50% of producers built up their farms in the year of 1973 to 1983.l Seventy-five percent of farms were sole owners and 67% of producers were of the second generation. The most common breed combination for market hogs was DYL (31%), followed by DL (26%) and DLYL (21%). Of the producers surveyed, 23% used farm-produced boars, whereas 45% used farm produced gilts for replacement. Visual traits, growth and reproductive performance were important in selecting breeding stock. As for the production system, 76% of the producers practice artificial insemination, 26% of producers did not notch their hog ears for identification and 89% of producers weaned their piglets at 21 to 28 days of age. Given the chance of introducing a new breed, other than the present existing breeds, Berkshire was the most popular one, and synthetic breed was another option. Almost all respondents indicated that they owned or used a computer and 75% of producers used electronic-mail. More than 70% respondents felt there was a need to verify selection and testing practices among breeding stock supplier. Additionally, swine diseases, market price, and environmental policies might be the three main risk factors for swine production in Taiwan. |