本研究旨在探討台灣藍瑞斯與杜洛克公豬的逢機擴增多態性DNA(random amplified polymorphism DNA,RAPD)指紋特性與屠體及肉質性狀的關聯性。採用來自台灣15個種豬場送至台灣動物科技研究所豬性能檢定站,完檢之44頭藍瑞斯與77頭杜洛克公豬的DNA、屠體、及肉質性狀資料。以OPC系列引子進行RAPD分析,利用gelystr軟體分析RAPD指紋,計算共有環帶頻率(band sharing frequency)。結果顯示OPC系列引子,有17種引子(85%)在藍瑞斯與杜洛克公豬可增殖出圖譜,其最適黏合溫度範圍在40 ~ 48.3℃之間。分別計算兩品種豬隻個體間之平均共有環帶頻率皆高達88%以上,指出可能較不適合以此種方法比較同種動物中個體間之差異。OPC-02所增殖之RAPD指紋圖譜在300 ~ 450 bp有三個不同的環帶型態:bb、cc與dd。藍瑞斯與杜洛克OPC-02環帶型態之bb、cc、及dd型頻度分別為0%、79.6%及20.5%;27.3、72.7及0%,關聯性分析發現,OPC-02環帶型態與肋骨對數、屠宰率、大理石紋評分、水分及脂肪百分比(P < 0.10)有關。杜洛克豬隻cc 型腰眼較bb型大(P < 0.10),bb型豬隻腰脊肉則含有較多的大理石紋(P < 0.10)、較高的保水性(P <0.05),及脂肪百分比(P < 0.01);藍瑞斯則是cc型屠體較dd型長(P = 0.0903);但在肉質性狀則差異不顯著(P > 0.10)。本研究結果顯示OPC-02環帶型態的bb型可能作為肌內脂肪量的相關指標,進一步證實此種關聯性有其必要。未來可將bb型環帶定序,針對特異性片段設計引子,作為早期預測肌內脂肪含量與發展結合分子資訊選拔種豬性能方法的依據。
The purpose of this study was to investigate the association of random amplified polymorphism DNA (RAPD) fingerprints with carcass and meat quality traits in Landrace and Duroc boars. Genomic DNA, carcass and meat quality data of 44 Landrace and 77 Duroc boars from 15 breeding farms in Taiwan were collected. A series of random primers of OPC were used for fingerprinting by RAPD. We used Gelystr software to analysis each pattern and to calculate band sharing frequency. Seventeen of the twenty primers (85%) generate polymorphisms in RAPD fingerprints in both breeds and the appropriate annealing temperature of these primers and template DNA ranged from 40 to 48.3℃. The average band sharing frequency was above 88% within Landrace and Duroc breeds indicating that the method may not be helpful for comparing individual differences within a breed. The patterns from the primer, OPC-02, categorized three band types: bb, cc and dd on the specific fragments. The band types varied from 300 to 450 base pairs. The frequencies of the bb, cc, dd band types were 0, 79.5 and 20.5% and 27.3, 72.7 and 0% in Landrace and Duroc boars, respectively. The band types were associated with the number of rib pairs, dressing percentage, marbling score, water and lipid percentage (P < 0.10). Duroc boars with the cc band type had larger longissimas muscle areas whereas boars with the bb band type had higher marbling scores, water holding capacity and lipid percentage than those of the cc type boars (P < 0.10). Landrace boars with cc the band type had longer carcasses than did the dd type boars (P < 0.10). However, no band difference was found in meat quality traits within Landrace boars. The bb type-specific fragment may be a RAPD marker for selecting intramuscular fat content in pigs. Further studies need to reconfirm such relationships within the Duroc breed in order to develop a breeding strategy to improve pork quality which incorporates molecular information.