蘆葦(Phragmites communis (L.) Trin)為禾本科多年生草本植物,常為溼地主要植物族群,具有汙水處理、維持溼地生物多樣性、藥用、造紙纖維及生質能源作物等功能。土壤有機碳庫是全球碳循環的重要組成部分,也是CO2減量的重要指標,並且直接影響全球的碳素平衡。本試驗於關渡自然公園蘆葦濕地,探討蘆葦生長對土壤有機碳庫之影響。結果顯示:生育盛期蘆葦光飽和點之光合速率為11.61μmol CO2 m^(-2)s^(-1),產草量達1.68 kg m^(-2),株高300 cm。將0-50 cm 之土壤以每10 cm為分層,發現土壤有機碳(SOC)含量,由上而下依序為31.3、36.3、27.7、11.2與4.68 g kg^(-1)。土壤有機碳與pH間相關係數為-0.716,顯示蘆葦藉由根圈沉降釋放之酸性物質可將大氣中CO2固定於土壤中。因此蘆葦可成為土壤保育、生質能源原料、生態環境改良與土壤有機碳蓄積功能之優良草種。
Common reed (Phragmites communis (L.) Trin) is a perennial herbaceous plant of Gramineae. It is an important marshy specie in wetland and has multiple functions of waste-water treatment, biodiversity-maintaining of marsh, medicinal plant, pulp and bio-alcohol crop. Soil organic carbon (SOC) pool is a main role of the global carbon cycle and an important indicator of CO2 reduction and affects the global carbon balance directly. The objectives of this study were to determine the effects of common reed growth dynamic on soil organic carbon pool. The experiment site is in reed wetland of the Guandu Nature Park. The results were as follow: Light-saturated photosynthetic rate was 11.61 μmol m^(-2) s^(-1), the peak biomass of common reed was 1.68 kg dw m^(-2), and the plant height was 300 cm in summer. The contents of soil organic carborn in 0-10 cm, 10-20 cm, 20-30 cm, 30-40 cm and 40-50 cm soil layers of reed in Guandu Nature Reserve in June were 31.3, 36.3, 27.7, 11.2 and 4.68 g/kg respectively. The correlation coefficient between soil organic carbon content and pH value was -0.716. It suggests that the acid materials from rhizodeposition of common reed can sequestrate atmosphere CO2 into soils. Hence, commond reed is proved to be an excehent ultimate grass species for soil and water conservation, biomass feedstock, ecologic environment improvement and SOC storage.